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Measurement of the b-branch of 12B to the Hoyle state in 12C

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1 Measurement of the b-branch of 12B to the Hoyle state in 12C
Hans Fynbo replacing Martin Alcorta Physics Division Argonne National Laboratory INPC 2013 Firenze, Italia

2 Motivation 12C 3a 0+ 12B 1+ b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28% 97.2% gs 4.439 7.654 Recent studies using beta-decay get a result half that of the literature value for the branching ratio to the Hoyle state It is crucial to get the correct feeding to the states in R-matrix calculations, which found evidence for 2+ in 12C at 11.1 MeV 0.8% 0+/2+ 1.2% F. Ajzenberg-Selove, NPA506, 1 (1990) S. Hyldegaard, PRC81, (2010) M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

3 12C Motivation 12B 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 1.2% 1.28(4)% KVI Literature 97.2%
0+ 12B 1+ b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28(4)% 97.2% gs 7.654 KVI Literature 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 1.2% 4.439 0.068% 0.08% 2.8×10-4% Nature2005 PRC2009,2010, PLB2009 M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

4 Confirm BR(7.65) using independent method
b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 1+ 12B 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 7.654 0+ 3a 1.28(4)% 0.0413(11)% 4.439 2+ 97.2% gs 0+ 12C M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

5 Confirm BR(7.65) using independent method
3a 0+ 12B 1+ β-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28% 97.2% 0.58% 1.2% gs 7.654 g3% 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% b 5% 1.28(4)% 4.439 gg 0.1% g 3% D. E. Alburger, Phys. Rev. 131, 1624 (1963). M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

6 Confirm BR(7.65) using independent method
3a 0+ 12B 1+ b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28% 97.2% 0.58% 1.2% gs 7.654 bgg 1.7(5)% 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 1.28(4)% 4.439 gg M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

7 Need to reduce Bremsstrahlung!
Experiment Gammasphere at ATLAS 101 high-purity Ge detectors BGO Compton-suppression shields 2.5 pnA 11B beam, 40 MeV Thick TiD2 target to stop the beam 1.5 mg/cm2 D2 Measure 40 ms beam on/beam off T1/2 = 20.2 ms Qb = MeV Need to reduce Bremsstrahlung! M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

8 Confirm BR(7.65) using independent method
Unused Bonner sphere Made from CH2 Low Z for reducing Bremsstrahlung Also good at absorbing gammas + Attenuate low-energy gammas - Need to determine absolute efficiency Efficiency determined from 24Mg 4+ -> 2+ -> 0+ transition Gives absolute efficiency at 1.32 MeV Relative efficiency determined from 56Co and 152Eu sources Brad DiGiovine M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

9 Results Standard GS chamber With plastic housing M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

10 12C Results 12B 1.28% 97.2% 0.58% 1.2% 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 1.28(4)% 1+
3a 0+ 12B 1+ b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28% 97.2% 0.58% 1.2% gs 7.654 0.58(2)% 1.2(3)% 1.28(4)% 4.439 M. Alcorta 10/25/2012

11 Preliminary Results BR(7.65) = 0.68(09)%
The error is dominated by statistics Increase statistics using HfD2 target Can we determine Gg / G ? Gg / G = 4.12(11)x10-4 BR(4.44) = 1.28(4)% ε3.21 = 2.94(9)% Cq = 1 Preliminary F. Ajzenberg-Selove, Nucl. Phys. A506, 1 (1990) M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

12 Determine Radiative Width
Gg Gp Q2= -287 keV a +8Be Hoyle state Q1 = -92 keV a + a M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

13 Determine Radiative Width
Quantity Value Error(%) Q3a 379.4(2)keV 1.2 Grad/G 4.12(11) ×10-4 Markham, Austin, Gp/G 6.7(6) × 10-4 Alburger 1977 Gp 62.3(2.0) meV Chernykh 2010 Shahabuddin 1976 NPA , (1976) PRC 16, 2394 (1977). PRL , (2010) M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

14 Conclusion / Outlook Determined value of BR to Hoyle state as 0.68(9)%
In agreement with recent results from b-decay Confirms a 2+ at 11.1 MeV in 12C from b-decay Disagreement with literature value Method could possibly be used to constrain Gg/ G b-decay result for mirror nucleus 12N is 1.41(3)% Previous value 2.7(4)% Use same method to independently determine BR(7.65) for 12N? M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

15 Thank you Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, IL Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Chicago, IL Laboratorio Tandar, Buenos Aires, Argentina H.O.U Fynbo, K.L. Laursen, M. Albers, S. Almaraz-Calderon, P.F Bertone, P.F.F. Carnelli, M.P. Carpenter, B. DiGiovine, J.P. Greene, C.R Hoffman, R.V.F Janssens, T. Lauritsen, C. Nair, S.T. Marley, K.E. Rehm, D. Seweryniak, C. Ugalde, S. Zhu M. Alcorta 6/3/2013 15

16 EXTRAS M. Alcorta 6/3/2013 16

17 12C Motivation 12B R-matrix analysis (multi-channel, multi-level):
2+ 0+ 12C 3a 0+ 12B 1+ b-decay (0+, 1+ or 2+) 2+ 1.28% 97.2% gs 4.441 7.654 0.04% Beta-decay Scattering: E(0+) = 11.2(3) MeV (3) MeV G(0+)= 1.5(6) MeV (8) MeV Beta-decay Scattering: E(2+) = 11.1(3) MeV (2) MeV G(2+)= 1.4(4) MeV (2) MeV R-matrix analysis (multi-channel, multi-level): M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

18 Lowest 2+ resonance in 12C? E(2+)=9.8(2) MeV G(2+)=0.8(2)MeV 3- 1- 3a
Stellenbosch: Freer et al. (2009): 12C(p,p´)12C Yale : Zimmerman et al. (2011): 12C(p,p´)12C 3- 1- Osaka: Itoh et al. (2011): 12C(, ´)12C Lowest 2+ resonance in 12C? 3a E(2+)=9.8(2) MeV G(2+)=0.8(2)MeV Fynbo & Freer, Physics, 4 (2011) 94. M. Alcorta 6/3/2013

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