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Welcome to APES! Mrs. Amber Willis.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to APES! Mrs. Amber Willis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to APES! Mrs. Amber Willis

2 Basic Info on Course Explore all components of environment: air, water, land, populations, global issues. 1 yr long, fulfills HS Physical Science and UC/CSU Lab Science. AP Test in May! College credit!

3 Info About Me! Graduated UCSB BS Environmental Studies
CSUN for Teaching Credential Masters in Science in Environmental Science at CSUDH

4 Info About Me! Soccer fan! Go Galaxy and USA! Mom to twin girls!
16th year teaching!

5 Class Rules-Food! No eating! Drinking water is okay!

6 Class Rules-RR Ask during appropriate times with agenda book!
Do not ask at beginning or end of class.

7 Class Rules: HW Given on 1st day of week, due 1st day of next week.
Can submit electronically before class starts. If any cheating/plagiarism, will only be able to submit by hand!

8 Class Rules-Attendance
For any material you miss because of an excused absence, be responsible, and complete the missing work! The number of days of the absence will determine how many days you have to make up the work. (Ex: 1 day absent = 1 day to complete work). Turn the absent work into the inbox with ABSENT on the top. Plan absences carefully! Be responsible, notify me BEFORE you go!

9 Class Rules-Work NO LATE WORK! Practice academic honesty!
Cheating = zero on assignment (cheater and cheatee), parent conferences for both parties, and dean referral (she doles out the punishment)

10 Class Rules-Electronic Devices
Do not have electronics out! Keep in backpacks. On occasion, we will use these tools. I will make it very clear when you CAN and CANNOT use these devices.

11 Website for HW and CW

12 Absences, missed work, lectures, general questions
Absences, missed work, lectures, general questions

13 Seek me out! I am here to help, but you must let me know!
Tutoring Seek me out! I am here to help, but you must let me know!

14 Final Messages You might not make an A in here. The material is hard and the tests are hard; it is unlike anything you have taken so far. Please don’t tell me this class is killing your GPA. We are here to explore, learn, and think critically about the life and world in which we live. You will learn to think like a scientist and demand evidence to back up claims. If we are successful, you will never see the world the same way again.

15 Final Messages I will treat you like a person who is capable of making decisions for themselves. I hope you choose to participate 100% of the time, but if you don’t, I will respect your decision to disengage. But be aware of the consequences for making that decision.

16 I will give you my all and you get what YOU put into it.
Final Message I will give you my all and you get what YOU put into it.

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