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Do Now. Identify the Dust Bowl Identify Dorothea Lange

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1 Do Now. Identify the Dust Bowl Identify Dorothea Lange
What impact did she have on public support of New Deal programs?

2 Life During the New Deal
Natural disaster ravages the Great Plains states Minorities are often neglected by New Deal reforms

3 The Dust Bowl-a.k.a.-“dirty thirties”
Severe drought turns a 50 million acre area into wasteland Lack of crop rotation, deep plowing (kills grass that holds moisture) What effect would this have on the regions industry? Social/family life? Clouds of dust could be seen hundreds of miles away Causes mass migration to California—“Okies” form Oklahoma Why did people leave? What effects would this have on western states? AFL—sponsors Field workers union (Mexican and Filipino workers)


5 Photography and Film Federally employed documentary filmmakers/photographers Disenchanted families are pictured Why would Roosevelt support showing America the situation in the West? FSA—Farm Security Administration—Dorothea Lange (photographer) Born in Hoboken, NJ (1895) Migrant Mother (1936)




9 Ordinary Americans Relieved
People wanted jobs not handouts “I don’t want charity…I want work—any kind of work” What does this say about the character of most Americans? Do you agree that working equals pride? Would you rather have charity or a government funded job?

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