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PRESENTER NAME Waikato Cardiothoracic Unit Journal Club

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTER NAME Waikato Cardiothoracic Unit Journal Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTER NAME Waikato Cardiothoracic Unit Journal Club
Paper name PRESENTER NAME Waikato Cardiothoracic Unit Journal Club

2 Starting Question for Audience
Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4


4 Background (no more than 7 slides)
Why is this an important clinical question? Show a slide of why this is an important epidemiologic problem (e.g. For a study examining a new intervention for severe sepsis, you could say that - there are 750,000 cases of severe sepsis each year and it is the most common cause of admission to non-coronary ICU) Show key studies to date in this area (2-3 slides). It helps to show a summary slide (e.g a recent meta-analyses) Key relevant mechanistic or pathophysiologic issues (1-3 slides)

5 Hypothesis or objective
‘We hypothesised there would be no difference between the on-pump and off-pump procedures for the two primary outcomes’ Primary Outcomes Major morbidity and mortality at 1 month Major morbidity and mortality at 1 year Secondary Outcomes Completeness of revascularisation 1-year graft patency Neuropsychological test scores

6 Methodology

7 Methods – Entry Criteria

8 Methods – Inclusion Criteria

9 Methods – Exclusion Criteria

10 Methods – Study Protocol

11 Methods – Surgical Details

12 Methods – Primary Endpoints

13 Methods – Secondary Endpoints

14 Methods – Statistical Analysis

15 Results

16 Results (Consort Diagram)

17 Results (Baseline Characteristics)

18 Results (Tables and Diagrams)

19 Results (Tables and Diagrams)

20 Results (Tables and Diagrams)

21 Results (Tables and Diagrams)

22 Results (Tables and Diagrams)

23 Author’s Conclusion

24 Discussion

25 Strengths of the study

26 Limitations of the study

27 General Discussion Points
Issues of interest that may not technically be strengths or weaknesses?

28 Impact of the study

29 How has the study impacted on practice
Major alterations in practice Citation index Impact on your practice

30 Ending Question for Audience
Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4

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