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Cryomodule Overview and EDMS Usage

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1 Cryomodule Overview and EDMS Usage
June 26, 2008 Don Mitchell, FNAL, TD

2 Cryomodule Design Overview The Collaboration Common CAD Tools
Agenda Cryomodule Design Overview The Collaboration Common CAD Tools The EDMS environment Sharing data and working together The pros and cons Beyond the paper specifications The Virtual “Buck” neutral 3-D model Visualization Files Closing remarks and vision statement

3 Cryomodule Design

4 Managing the CAD Assembly with Excel & I-DEAS
ACF: Associated Copy Features Parts automatically update when the “master part” is modified.

5 Integrating Excel into your Design
Basic piece-parts > Not Excel Driven Master Coordinate System > Excel Driven “Key” Components > Excel Driven Assemblies: Not Directly driven by Excel (Master Spreadsheet is used with parts constrained to master coordinate system)

6 The simple building blocks of our assemblies
Basic Piece-Parts The simple building blocks of our assemblies Always begin with the BORN. Base Orphan Reference Node Best modeling practices are always used. Reference geometry Well defined wireframe Good naming conventions Updating & part modification is easily managed Although Excel can be used to control these parts, we choose not to so that we can minimize our data management.

7 Master Coordinate System
The single, most powerful tool that can be used in controlling your large assemblies is to develop a well thought-out master coordinate system. (Even if you don’t plan on using Excel!) Define the origin and axes of your assembly Define critical component location points Create reference points and coordinate systems Label these points with annotation Color code these items for easy identification Spend the time to do this right! This Master C.S. will become the backbone of your entire assembly and will be the glue that holds it all together.

8 The Master Coordinate System continued
The ILC cryomodule Master C.S.

9 The Master Coordinate System continued

10 The Master Coordinate System continued

11 Creating the Annotation in I-DEAS NX
Attached to your reference points, add coordinate notes. They are much more informational than simple notes. Name the reference points first. The names will show up on the annotation as well as in the Excel sheets. This is very useful for later data modification.

12 The Master Coordinate System continued
The Master C.S. is placed in many of the sub-assemblies to provide a consistent base for part placement. Assembly constraints are kept within one assembly. We avoid crossing assembly boundaries with our constraints.

13 “KEY” Parts also use the Master C.S.
Certain parts are “key” to the construction of the assembly. These parts will be constructed by first using the master coordinate system. The Master C.S. becomes the BORN. The Master C.S. part is: Copied Renamed Enhanced with additional features to complete the part. These parts will be later driven by Excel.

14 “Key” Parts built with the Master C.S.
Additional features continue to be added The completed part with a Master C.S. BORN

15 Using Excel to Drive your Part Design
Excel files are easily created from I-DEAS parts. In the past, Part Equations were used. Part Equations can still be used and are preferred when the parts can be easily managed all from within I-DEAS. For complicated parts as well as for managing larger assemblies, the Excel format is preferred. Excel can be manipulated easily. Functions can be used, such as conditionals and complicated mathematical equations. Graphics and hyperlinks can also be added. A draw-back in I-DEAS is that the Excel file is NOT stored with the item in the database! The Excel file is hard-coded to the I-DEAS part GUID. A copied part loses the Excel connection.

16 Create the Excel File in I-DEAS NX
In Master Modeler, select Modify Select the part and click on dimension values Click on Use Excel Type in a name and location for the Excel file and click OK. An Excel file will be written and saved. All of the variables defined within your part will be written to the Excel file.

17 The Part Excel File in I-DEAS NX
Only a portion of the file is shown. Column A shows the variable names used in your part’s history. Includes names of: Ref Pts. Coord. Sys. Wireframe variables Column C shows the variable’s current value. Yellow highlighted items cannot be modified. The Data / Protection can be turned off to give you more editing control.

18 Modify the Part via Excel
Open the Excel file and modify any non-yellow cells. Save the Excel file. You don’t have to exit Excel. In I-DEAS, modify the part and, once again, click on Use Excel. Toggle on Update I-DEAS from Excel. Make sure the correct file name is selected. Select OK and the modified values in the Excel file will be read and will replace the old values within the part’s variable listing. Last, you will need to update your part to see the changes.

19 The Master Excel Spreadsheet
I-DEAS assemblies cannot be directly managed with Excel; only parts. However, a stand-alone spreadsheet can be used to: Identify all of the assembly parameters Perform complicated engineering calculations Display graphics to convey more of your design intent The Master Spreadsheet stands on its own. There are no hard links to any particular part. It can be used over and over again. It can be copied. It can be modified. The Excel files which drive the 3-D parts can get their values from the Master Spreadsheet by setting up cell links.

20 Managing the CAD Assembly with Excel & I-DEAS

21 The Master Spreadsheet, A Closer Look
Hyperlinked to a detailed PDF drawing Values which can be modified Shrinkage Calculations

22 Change the Master … The master spreadsheet will automatically adjust all computed values.
Update the individual Excel files by just opening them and clicking save. The linked cells will update. Modify the I-DEAS “Key” parts by selecting Update from Excel. Access your assemblies and perform an update.


24 ILC International Resources
INFN-Milan: Carlo - Paolo - Nicola - Serena Bladetuners – main effort Titanium vessel & cryomodule consultants Future cavity end-group development – low effort INFN-Pisa: Franco – Andrea Bi-metallic transitions w/ Dubna – main effort Cavity interconnect bellows – medium effort Vibration studies – low effort KEK: Norihito – Norio – many others R&D efforts on internal magnetic shielding Coupler and tuner concepts Interface document support

25 ILC International Resources
RRCAT: Jishnu, Prashant, Avinash – others Cryomodule design & fabrication Jack stands for cryomodule Cavity End-Groups Titanium-Stainless transitions at end-groups DESY: Lars – Norbert – Andreas – Jasper – Silke – others EDMS support Working very closely with Siemens-PLM to solve database problems with assy check-in / check-out Vis-View and Web-Ex support Select EDMS training Dubna (Russia) New to the collaboration

26 A Working Collaboration
A real international collaboration! Cryomodule development as a team! Sharing common data!

27 Communication is essential!
We needed a way to share information. We needed common tools. DESY has been very accommodating and has provided their Team Center Enterprise (EDMS) as well as their IT services as part of their collaboration effort. –Thanks!

28 Dubna: I-DEAS (recent purchase), JLAB: I-DEAS INFN Milan: UG-NX
Common CAD tools FNAL: I-DEAS v.12, NX Dubna: I-DEAS (recent purchase), JLAB: I-DEAS INFN Milan: UG-NX INFN Pisa: I-DEAS v.12 KEK: I-DEAS (recent purchase), and others DESY: I-DEAS v.12 RRCAT: NX Note: These are mainly Siemens-PLM CAD products and are “team browser” compatible with Team Center Enterprise. However, the current supported platform is I-DEAS v.12 with plans to add other CAD packages in the distant future.

29 Common CAD tools (cont.)
Common CAD software: I-DEAS v.12m4 Common database: DESY EDMS Live Daily use Integrated with collaboration Web viewable data and BOM structure CAD and data file storage 3-D, 2-D, specs, engineering notes, etc. Visualization and collaborative meetings VisView software from Siemens-PLM EDMS Licenses supplied by DESY On-line collaborative meetings with file sharing. WebEx meetings with desktop sharing

30 Team Center Enterprise EDMS Team Browser hosted by DESY

31 Team Center Enterprise EDMS Thin-Client hosted by DESY

32 Sharing Data and Working Together
Documents: Easily shared by all team members Software independent PDF files created automatically Revision control is managed easily CAD data Currently supports one CAD system: I-DEAS Automatic creation of drawing viewing files Automatic creation of 3-D viewing files

33 Sharing Data and Working Together
Advantages: Web-based control of documents; no need to send files around to team members Live data: current snapshot of design and parameters 1 working model shared by entire team Disadvantages: 1 CAD tool requires all players to migrate to one software package. Very challenging! Training: Regional training and compliance to rules. Cost of setting up and maintaining a training program.

34 Beyond the Specifications
EDMS can easily handle the documents that define the project and parameters EDMS can also handle the “real” design Solid model (Virtual “Buck”) Supporting documents such as: 2-D drawings Engineering specifications QC documents BOM’s Variances in the design (alternate BOM’s)

35 Virtual “Buck” JT file removed due to size restrictions: Show demo instead

36 3 Approaches for collaboration
How do we collaborate? 3 Approaches for collaboration 1. DESY Model ALL users will use I-DEAS, ILC-EDMS 2. One central model Maintained in ILC-EDMS in I-DEAS Collaborators use I-DEAS or supply STEP files that must be imported into I-DEAS and then uploaded into the EDMS very labor intensive Design is usually out-of-date Data uploads always create new items in EDMS No version control with STEP file imports Drawings are not imported easily and loose associativity

37 How do we collaborate? cont.
3. JT neutral format 3-D model maintained in I-DEAS & ILC-EDMS Collaborators work in any CAD package but must be able to create their own compatible JT files Users upload their JT files into EDMS JT files are revision controlled Newer JT files become the next revision new EDMS items are not created EDMS numbers are retained Master 3-D model maintained by 1 institution JT files imported into the I-DEAS model EDMS notification when newer JT files are available JT files must be converted into B-rep surface models Master model checked into EDMS Automatic creation of JT visualization files Complete master JT available via EDMS by all users Downloadable through EDMS thin client (web)

38 Coordination and training is required.
Vision Statement My vision for the ILC is that the designs proposed by all collaborators will be: Current and up-to-date Maintained in one system Easily accessible Shows all design proposals Maintained in a neutral format that anyone can view without the need for high-end PC’s JT’s for viewing solid models CGM and PDF for viewing drawings PDF for viewing documents MUST have complete support by management at all levels and at all collaborating institutions Coordination and training is required.

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