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E.R.I.C.A. (Educazione alla Relazione Interculturale nella Comunicazione Aziendale: i.e. Education about Intercultural relationships within Company’s Communication)

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Presentation on theme: "E.R.I.C.A. (Educazione alla Relazione Interculturale nella Comunicazione Aziendale: i.e. Education about Intercultural relationships within Company’s Communication)"— Presentation transcript:

1 E.R.I.C.A. (Educazione alla Relazione Interculturale nella Comunicazione Aziendale: i.e. Education about Intercultural relationships within Company’s Communication)

2 Introduction Introduced in 1988 to replace the old course of studies and adapt it to the needs of the modern world of work, the course ERICA, apart from the traditional subjects, consists of The study of Economics and law; The study of 3 foreign languages: English and Spanish and/or German and or French. Each week students have a language class with an Italian language teacher in cooperation with a mother-tongue expert. Two language laboratories are also available.

3 School Timetable Biennium I II Italian language and literature 5
History 2 First foreign language 4 Second foreign language Third foreign language - Mathematics/ IT/ Lab. Mathematics Chemistry –physics /Lab. Natural science 3 Economic geography History of art Economics and law Word processing Business economics Gym Religion 1 Triennium III IV V Italian language and literature 4 History 2 First foreign language 5 Second foreign language Third foreign language Mathematics/ IT/ Lab. - Mathematics 3 Chemistry –physics /Lab. Natural science Economic geography History of art Economics and law Word processing Business economics 6 Gym Religion 1 34 34

4 Professional profile At the end of the fifth year a diploma certifies:
knowledge of the different processes of the business world; a sound cultural knowledge of both Italian and the foreign languages; linguistic and communicative competences; professional abilities to build and maintain good relationships within the business environment.

5 Student’s abilities Public relations in Italy as well abroad
Analysis of Italian and foreign economic sources Production of documentation regarding administrative, economic or fiscal procedures Market researches Advertising Organization of meetings Organization of activities connected to the world of tourism

6 Other students’ features
A culturally open-minded attitude Flexibility in finding solutions The capacity to adapt to new situations Determination to carry out their duties

7 Formative Experiences
Our school offers lots of formative experiences such as: Work experience programme Post-diploma guidance Study-weeks both at school and abroad Linguistic certifications

8 Career prospects after school
The private sector: Administrative offices of a company Its purchasing and/or sale offices Its import/export offices The public sector: Chamber of commerce Consulates Other public institutions Tertiary sector Banking, insurance, public relations etc.

9 Career prospects after school
ERICA students Work in the same public and private sectors as PACLE students. In particular they have good carrier prospects as cultural mediators. any university course, especially courses on economics, finance, law, political science and foreign languages.

10 Thank you for your attention

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