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A Young Man Gathering Shopping Carts, Huntington, NY, July 1993

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Presentation on theme: "A Young Man Gathering Shopping Carts, Huntington, NY, July 1993"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Young Man Gathering Shopping Carts, Huntington, NY, July 1993

2 Boys Walking Home After School, Harrisonburg, Virginia, May 199

3 A Man Waiting for a Tow Truck to Take His Car to a Demolition Derby at the County Fair, South Hadley, Massachusetts, September 1998

4 A Man With A Training Baby, Beckley, West Virginia, May 1999

5 A Farmer Taking a Break, Iowa, She has Cancer of the Thyroid, November 1987

6 Man Stepping into the Cab of His Truck, The Bottoms, Kansas City, Missouri, June 1999

7 Domestic Worker Setting The Table, New York, New York, August 1993

8 A Lawyer with Laundry, New York, New York, October 1988

9 A Homeless Man With His Bedding, New York, New York, July 1994

10 A Tourist in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, October 1995

11 A Man Delivering Flowers, New York, New York, March 1994

12 A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

13 A Mother And Daughter On Their Daily Walk Near The Warner Center In The San Francisco Vallery, California, March 1988 A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

14 A Woman Out Shopping with Her Pet Rabbit, Santa Monica, California, August 1988
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

15 A Man at O'Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois, July 1988
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

16 A Woman at Home in Malibu After Exercising, California August 1988
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

17 Website Designer Walking Home, Missoula, Montana, July 1988
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

18 A Mother Playing With Her Daughter, Tres Orejas, New Mexico, August 1999
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

19 A Man on the Banks of the Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1985
A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

20 High School Prom at the Hilton, San Antonio, Texas, April 1999
A Man on the Banks of the Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1985 A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

21 Summer Interns Having Lunch, Wall Street, New York, New York, August 1987
A Man on the Banks of the Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1985 A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

22 A Woman Pumping Gasoline, Kasas City, Kansas, June 1999
A Man on the Banks of the Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1985 A Woman With Mail, Chesterfield, Missouri, June 1999

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