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OSIRIS Science Team Meeting Agay 15. – 17. November 2005

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1 OSIRIS Science Team Meeting Agay 15. – 17. November 2005
Overview H. Uwe Keller

2 Goals of Meeting Discussion of first science results (Deep Impact)
Assessment of current status after first science observations Calibration status Operations Data archiving Calibration and data products Operations and Science Management Plan Commitments of Co-Investigators Software – onboard, operations, data analysis Hardware status – immanent activities: shutter(s) Reference system H. Uwe Keller

3 Commissioning All functional tests were successful
NAC WAC All functional tests were successful Instrument performance meets expectations Remaining issues: CCD shutter optical performance (NAC) Update of Front Door handler (s/w) Minor stray light anomaly (WAC) H. Uwe Keller

4 OSIRIS tests performed during Commissioning
Functional tests of all instrument subsystems including heaters All systems (front doors, filter wheels, CCD readout boards, mass memory,…) worked flawlessly Thermal control tested without identifying any problems Plain file transfer of data working SREM interface working Redundant subsystems not switched on H. Uwe Keller

5 OSIRIS tests performed during Commissioning
Optimization of CCD shutters Took most time of all commissioning activities Adjustments were expected: mechanical shutters behave different in zero gravity Status: Shutters of both cameras fully functional (no mechanical locking/unlocking failures during comm. slot 3 and pointing; more than 500 exposures) Performance optimization concerning back travel opening in case of the NAC to be finalized H. Uwe Keller

6 OSIRIS tests performed during Commissioning
Calibration related operations achieved: Bias and dark current for different configurations of the CCD Reference ‘flat’ fields with internal lamps First stellar calibrations (camera alignment, intensity calibration, focus, distortion) High-speed imaging (“video” mode) test H. Uwe Keller

7 OSIRIS MCRR report 3.12. Dec.04 Preparation of Earth flyby
Problem with front door – cancellation Detailed investigation and tests FDM Analysis mtg. 24/25 Feb. 05 Mismatch of s/w and accuracy of position switches Adaptation of operational s/w => no more problems Rosetta SWT 8/9 March 05 H. Uwe Keller

8 OSIRIS-Rosetta Passive Payload Checkouts
Every ½ year March / October 2005 No problems for OSIRIS Rosetta spacecraft – problem in hibernation mode ACS enhanced fuel consumption still under investigation Further FDM mtg. 18/19 April 05 Agreement on new s/w algorithm w/o use of closed door limit switch H. Uwe Keller

9 OSIRIS-Rosetta FDM s/w update in June 05 before DI observations
No problem anymore Deep Impact observations Short interruption due to s/w problem while operating both cameras simultaneously Problem understood and solved s/w update next year during active payload checkout Rosetta SWT mtg. 9. Sept. 05 Talk about Deep Impact results Preparation of Deep Impact campaign Meeting at MPS in Feb. 2005 H. Uwe Keller

10 RSOC Commissioning from OSIRIS view
Midterm planning and short term planning was performed successfully Long term planning had to be skipped Procedures to resolve resource conflicts need to be improved Planning procedures and interfaces need to be streamlined No serious technical problems ORFA error reporting could be more sophisticated Support from RSOC (Kristin & Viney) excellent H. Uwe Keller

11 OSIRIS observations of comet Machholz 2004 Q2
OSIRIS software update + delta commissioning on 20 January 2005 For optical tests bright comet Machholz was observed Coordinated observations of the comet with other payload instruments (just before earth flyby) could not be supported by RSOC H. Uwe Keller

12 Comet Machholz on 20 Jan. 2005 Comet was about Magnitude 4
Heliocentric distance 1.21 AU, distance from Rosetta 0.44 AU Solar elongation 97 deg, phase angle 61 deg. Angle between Rosetta and Earth as seen from comet 14 deg. H. Uwe Keller

13 Comet Machholz: OSIRIS Observations
Observations NAC: Different colour filters (Orange, green, blue, red, near-IR) Spatial resolution 1300 km/pixel Medium bandwidth filters (60-90 nm) which contain both emission from gas and scattering from dust Observations WAC: Spatial resolution 6500 km/pixel Red and green broad band filters (overall structure) Narrow band filters for OH, CN, CS emission + associated continuum Exposure times limited to 1-2 minutes due to excessive cosmic ray events Major solar flare H. Uwe Keller

14 OSIRIS and Earth Fly-by
Fly-by and moon observations well prepared Concentration on sodium tail observations with WAC Search for OH tail Calibration Stray light tests: source close to FOV Software update on 20. Jan. revealed additional anomaly in NAC front door mechanism H. Uwe Keller

15 NAC Door Opening Anomaly History
Date NAC Door opening attempts Anomaly WAC Door opening attempts Remarks 04 Sept. 2004 1 First occurrence of door opening failure after software upload. Failure is most likely not related to software changes. 14-18 Sept. 2004 3 4 Commissioning slot 3. First investigation. No problems with door opening and closing. 21-30 Sept. 2004 24 23 Pointing scenario. 20 Jan. 2005 6 Software update. H. Uwe Keller

16 Mission Events RVM 1 230111 RVM 2 220514 Lutetia Flyby 100710
Mars Flyby 250207 Earth Flyby Earth Flyby Steins Flyby 050908 Earth Flyby 040305 Comet Orbit Insertion Launch Landing

17 Earth swing-by 1 executed 4-5 March -> successful! ;
Mission progress Earth swing-by 1 executed 4-5 March -> successful! ; Asteroid Flyby Mode commissioning test with the Moon on 5th March -> successful! ; No need to carry out post-swing-by Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre; Rosetta is moving away from Earth and on its way to Mars (swing-by 27 February 2007).

18 Spacecraft survived well radiation belts and Earth proximity:
Earth Swing-by Trajectory targeting very precise: 2 out of three slots for correction manoeuvres could be skipped; Spacecraft configured in special mode (LGA S-band, HGA and Star Trackers disabled, Survival Mode selected as back-up); Spacecraft survived well radiation belts and Earth proximity: Only a few SEU counts reported; Earth closest approach to Earth 4th march 22:09:14; Reaction Wheels sustained gravity gradient torques; Star Tracker immediately acquired after exiting proton belts; All systems operated nominally Problems with configuration of two active NAV cameras with SSMM link impacted picture taking activities.


20 Asteroid Flyby Mode entered 5th March at 01:00;
Asteroid Flyby Test Asteroid Flyby Mode entered 5th March at 01:00; Spacecraft successfully tracked the Moon for 9 hours; Attitude control performance was excellent: Cam tracking performance constantly within less than 50 mdeg from estimated direction; estimated attitude deviation during the test always below 0.1 deg; final depointing at exit of the order of 0.05 deg; no increase in background in the CAM towards the end of the test, when the Sun angle reached 45 deg: absolutely no straylight detected.

21 Near Term Activities (2005)
Payload checkout 0 ( March); RSI PC0 6 April; Near-Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM) Test April – some problem! NSHM commissioning 25 April – 12 May; Deep Impact observations 28 June – 14 July; Payload Checkout 1: 3 – 7 October

22 Outstanding Activities
Commissioning: OSIRIS software mod for front door control (AR56) – Did not succeed; ROSINA software mod and completion of RTOF/DFMS commiss. (AR 60) – Feb/Mar 05 – February slot partially successful; VIRTIS-H boresight determination (repetition) – Mar 05; Interference scenario #3 – Active checkout 1, Nov 06; Additional PL Operation Requested: Midas Z-calibration (incl. SW mod) – Active checkout 1, Nov 06; OSIRIS Flat Field cal + other Earth/Moon activities – Earth Nov 07 (TBC); ALICE Mars observation – Active checkout 1, Nov 06; Consert RF test with Lander (TBC) - Active checkout 1, Nov 06;

23 Next SWTM Mtg.: 1and 2 September 2005
SWTM Activities (2005) Next SWTM Mtg.: 1and 2 September 2005 Will resume work of Modeling Working Groups: WG1: Nucleus Modeling WG2: Dust Environment ‘WG3: Plasma Environment – organised by ISSI, Bern (T. Gombosi, chair)’ N.B. : in May it will be 20 years that we had the first mtg. on the Planetary Cornerstone of Horizon 2000 and in July the 20th anniversary of the Giotto launch.

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