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6th European Transgender Council Bologna

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1 6th European Transgender Council 2016 - Bologna
The ICD is making me sick! Putting an end to forced mental health diagnoses for trans* people Griet De Cuypere Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist WPATH Board Member EPATH Board Member

2 Cis gender, heterosexual woman
Psychiatrist: people like other people Psychotherapist: family- and systemic therapist, avoiding labeling for adolescents (circularity, development) 30 years of working with trans*people WPATH – Board member – co-chair of the WPATH ICD meeting (in 2013) EPATH – Board member (liason between EPATH and WPATH) Reviewer for the Working Group on the Classification of Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health →minority, please don’t stigmatize or marginalize me 

3 t WPATH – ICD meeting February 3 – 4, 2013
Co-Chairs: Gail Knudson – Griet De Cuypere February 3 – 4, 2013

4 Aim of the meeting Discuss current WHO proposals (made by the Working Group on Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health) for relevant ICD-11 revisions Deletion of the ICD-10 F66 diagnoses Deletion of the ICD-10 F65 diagnosis: Fetishistic Transvestism being one of the several recommended deletions in F65 ICD- 10 F64 Block: Gender Identity Disorders Gender Incongruence: new name moving GI from the Mental and Behavioral Disorders Chapter alternative placement options Deletion or retention of the ICD-10 GI diagnosis in Childhood ICD-11 Content forms for GI AA – GI C Get to a WPATH consensus position on all of the proposed relevant ICD changes


6 Block F66 : Psychological and Behavioural Disorders Associated with Sexual Development and Orientation F66.0: Sexual maturation disorder (uncertainty about SOGI, leading to distress) F66.1: Ego-dystonic sexual orientation (discomfort about one’s SOGI, leading to desire to change it) F66.2: Sexual relationship disorder (SOGI responsible for difficulty in forming/maintaining relationships) F66.8: Other psychosexual development disorders F66.9: Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified Unanimity for deletion (current proposal)

7 ICD-10 F65 diagnosis: Fetishistic Transvestism Pro’s to retain:
can be distressing to themselves and/or partners also negatively affecting social/professional relationships In absence of distress: substantial personal risk to their careers and to their safety Other possibility: Obsessive Compulsive disorder or Impulse Control Disorder (with sexually motivated cross-dressing) Con’s to retain: Removal on the basis of social stigma and discrimination Depathologizing consensual or solitary behaviour Dysfunctional cross-dressers are seldom seen Outcome of voting on the diagnosis: Deletion 23 (current proposal) Retention: 4; Abstention: 2

8 Concerning Block F64 : Gender Identity Disorders
F64.0 Transsexualism Desire to live and be accepted, usually discomfort with anatomy plus desire to change it. F64.1 Dual-role transvestism Wearing clothes, temporary role, no desire for permanent change, no sexual excitement F64.2 Gender identity disorder of childhood Distress re current assigned sex, insistence/desire re actual sex, matching gender expression. F64.8 Other gender identity disorders F64.9 Gender identity disorder, unspecified Outcome of voting: Removal GID from Ch. 5 (Mental & Behavioural disorders): 27, Retention; 1, Abstention: = current proposal Rationale for removing: elimination of the psychiatric stigmatization of transgender people – but still access to treatment

9 WPATH ICD Consensus Meeting: Decisions:
Vote on placement and naming chapter as: Chapter “Sex and Gender”: 19 Chapter: “Gender”: 9; Abstain: 1. Conflation of Sex and Gender can be problematic Current proposal: Conditions related to Sexual Health Vote on the name “gender incongruence” proposed by the working group: different reactions, suggestions….. New name suggested: “gender/body divergence”. Current proposal: Gender Incongruence in Adolescence and Adulthood

10 Gender Incongruence of childhood: risks of a diagnosis are discussed – vivid discussion reflected in the voting: Removal: 14 Retention: 14 Absence: 1

11 WPATH-membership survey (submitted Archives of Sex Behavior)
WPATH is the largest association of professionals in transgender health Growing number working with children WPATH want to have a better view of their membership’s ideas on how ICD- 11 should be structured and implemented concerning GI. WPATH would like to take a second look at the GIC proposal

12 Results From where?

13 Results Do you think a disease diagnosis gender incongruence of childhood should be included in ICD-11? N % Yes 115 48 No 123 51 Blank 3 1

14 Results Distribution of respondents supporting and opposing the GIC proposal according to the region in which they work Support Oppose N=115 % N=123 P-value US - members 89 53.6 77 46.4 .352 Non US-members 26 36.1 46 63.9 .017

15 Results Distribution of respondents’ views on Z-codes, according to their views on a GIC diagnosis Support Z Codes Reject Z Codes N % P-value Support GIC 26 22.6 14 12.2 .057 Oppose GIC 60 48.8 5 4.1 <.000

16 “The gender incongruence of childhood” diagnosis revisited: a statement from clinicians and researchers (1) Regardless of where in ICD-11 the proposed GIC-diagnosis is placed It pathologises the experiences of young children below the age of puberty who are exploring their identity ( in a number of cultures worldwide: gender diversity) Many children who express pronounced convictions regarding GI, with supportive families, do not display any level of distress Different approach with F66 diagnoses (parallel developmental processes linked to sexual orientation) Alternative: Z-code approach (non-pathologising codes in Chapter 21), similar as for people experiencing discrimination on grounds of their sexual orientation

17 “The gender incongruence of childhood” diagnosis revisited: a statement from clinicians and researchers (2) Regardless of where in ICD-11 the proposed GIC-diagnosis is placed GATE proposals: are for facilitating healthcare for gender diverse children below the age of puberty through the use of Z-codes (access to supportive counselling and information services, medical examinations linked to approaching puberty) – in case of distress, these Z-codes could be used as markers attached to generic diagnoses Arguments for GIC diagnosis (training – research) appear flawed Key transgender health and rights organisations worldwide have spoken out against this proposal – European Parliament called on the European Commission to “intensify efforts to prevent gender variance in childhood from becoming a new ICD diagnosis”.

18 “The gender incongruence of childhood” diagnosis revisited: a statement from clinicians and researchers (3) 127 signatures from researchers and clinicians 1464 working years in transhealth and rights 825 years of clinical work

19 “The gender incongruence of childhood” diagnosis revisited: a statement from clinicians and researchers (4) Taking into account all the above: “We call on WHO to abandon the proposed GIC diagnosis and incorporate the use of Z Codes as a means of facilitating and guiding support for gender diverse children below the age of puberty”.

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