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Preaching from the Pulpit: and Paying Attention from the Pew

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1 Preaching from the Pulpit: and Paying Attention from the Pew

2 Preaching from the Pulpit:
Must preach the foundation of the gospel- Christ crucified 1 Cor 2:1-5 Must preach what is needs to be said, including rebuke of sin and error Acts 20:20,27; Mk 6:16-18 & Mt 11:7; Gal 2:3-5 Must not preach to please men tickle their ears 2 Tim 4:1-5; Jer 6:13-15 Must preach to give the audience backbone Eph 4:11-15 This also makes us a contrast between good preaching and bad preaching we are to win people over with Christ not eloquent speaking John the Baptist and Paul being good examples

3 Paying Attention from the Pew
Must prepare ourselves to listen by our own personal study Heb 5:11-14 Must not look at preaching as a performance Eze 33:30-33 Must love the truth and hate wickedness 2 Thess 2:10-12 p1 Paul wanted to talk to them about melchizedek but they did not know the basics. You must have milk before you can have meat. Somebody could preach false doctrine and you wouldn’t even know it. P3 Just before this was the prediction of the coming apostasy

4 Improper Preaching and Listening Have Consequences
To the Preacher in the Pulpit We have blood on our hands Eze 3:16-21 Whitewashed wall will tumble down on us Eze 13:8-16 We will be condemned to hell Gal 1:6-10 To The Person in the Pew Mt 7:24-27 Will we be wise or foolish? We must apply the sermon to our life, be doers, not just hearers or we will be condemned to hell! Jesus conclusion to sermon on the mount Mathew 7 Invitation If we have failed to listen properly and apply lessons from the world or if we have whitewashed the wall as preachers please repent. If you have not yet decide to become a Christian take advantage of Jesus Christ crucified by believing in Jesus and confessing him as lord Romans 10:9-10 and repenting of you sins and being baptized acts 2:38 please I we can help you take advantage of Jesus Christ crucified please come forward as we stand and sing.

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