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Presentation on theme: "INDIVIDUAL TRAINING SESSION 2016"— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERALL Week schedule Monday Rest - No session Tuesday Session-1
45-60 min Wednesday (optional) Session-2 Thursday Session-3 Friday (optional) Session-4 15 min maximum I assume that you have competitions during the week-end No session on Monday Optional sessions on Wednesday and Friday

3 SESSION-1 The first session of the week, I propose that you split into 3 parts: PART-1 « Repeat what went wrong during the last competition » (15 min) Choose the domain of your game where you faced difficulties during the last competition, or the domain where you were less performant. You can select any domain you want (simple shooting, simple pointing, adding point, shooting long or short distance, pointing with effect, pointing in « portée »…) Once you have choosen a domain, you practice that exercice for 15 min. And you try to fix what went wrong. If someone else is practicing with you, you can get some help. Keep note somewhere of which domain you have worked. PART-2 « Technical exercises » (30 min) Choose some exercises from the list provided in annex (all exercises we made during the training sessions). Choose the exercices for which you are LESS confortable. PART-3 « Tete à tete » (15 min) Take 6 boules for playing against yourself. Each round between 8-10 meters.

4 SESSION-2 and session-3 For session-2 (optional) and session-3 I propose a mix of technical exercises and a specific game I like to practice, but not only me – I know that other players like Claudy Weibel and Philippe Quintais were/are using that exercise as well. PART-1 « Technical exercises » (15 min) Choose exercises from the list provided in annex. Choose the exercices for which you feel MORE confortable. PART-2 « Single with 6 boules » (30-45 min) You take 6 boules. You must point the first 3 boules. With each boule you try to win the point. You shoot the last 3 boules. You must start with the boule being the farest from the jack (*). If you hit the boule then you must shoot the next one. Each time you miss you must shoot the same boule again… you cannot shoot an other one. Then you count the points. The first reaching 13 points is the winner (the pointer or the shooter). The first game you start at 7 meters, the second game you move at 8 meters and finally 9 meters. Of course in the beginning you will certainly have difficulties to win as the shooter, but at least you should see some progress in the number of points you can make as shooter and/or the number of rounds before the pointer reaches 13 points. I really appreciate this exercises as it is a very efficient way to work both aspects, pointing and shooting, with a goal. (*) If you prefer you can start by shooting the boule closest to the jack. Easier as you can make carreau on the 1st, miss the next 2 and still get one point for the shooter.

5 SESSION-4 I don’t want the last session of the week, just before the weekend and the next competition, to be a long one. Sometimes it is even better to have a rest in order to completely relax your body, arm and legs… For those interested to throw some boules I propose to only bring 3. Like this you reduce your effort to the minimum and you limit your session to maximum 15 minutes. First round at 6 meters, you just point 3 times. Second round at 6 meters, you point the 1st boule then you shoot the two others. Third round at 7 meters, again you just point 3 times. Fourth round at 7 meters, you point the 1st boule then you shoot the two others. The the same again at 8 meters, then 9 meters and finally 10 meters. You do the complete exercises 2 or 3 times and then you stop.

6 Lanes Just one recommendation about the type of lanes. If you have the choice, try to practice on a lane which is not too easy. Practicing on lanes proposing a mix of different surfaces is the right option (if possible) in order to use various technics and also to get the habit of « reading » the lanes before pointing.

7 REPORTING (*) For those ready to share their results with me I am interested to get the following reports from you: Number of sessions per week Are you alone or in a group? Type of lane (outside/inside, sand/gravels…) Session-1 Domain you selected for improvement after the competition. Session-2 and Session-3 Score of the different matches and the number of rounds. Indicate each time the distances. (*) Don’t hesitate to indicate/propose other items in your reports


9 POINTING EXERCISE-1 4 boules per round
Alternate rounds standing up and squatting position POINTING EXERCISE-1 1m 0,5m 2.5m 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 1 point if the boule lands in the grey zone and does NOT stop inside the ring 3 points if the boule lands in the grey zone and stops inside the ring 0 point if the boule does NOT land in the grey zone wherever it stops

10 POINTING EXERCISE-2 (same as exercise 1 but with left effect)
4 boules per round Alternate rounds standing up and squatting position POINTING EXERCISE-2 (same as exercise 1 but with left effect) 0,5m 1m 2.5m 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 1 point if the boule lands in the grey zone and does NOT stop inside the ring 3 points if the boule lands in the grey zone and stops inside the ring 0 point if the boule does NOT land in the grey zone wherever it stops

11 POINTING EXERCISE-3 (same as exercise 1 but with right effect)
4 boules per round Alternate rounds standing up and squatting position POINTING EXERCISE-3 (same as exercise 1 but with right effect) 1m 2.5m 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 0,5m 1 point if the boule lands in the grey zone and does NOT stop inside the ring 3 points if the boule lands in he grey zone and stops inside the ring 0 point if the boule does NOT land in the grey zone wherever it stops

4 boules per round Alternate rounds standing up and squatting position POINTING EXERCISE-4 « Portee » 0,5m 1m 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 1m 1 point if the boule lands in the grey zone and does NOT stop inside the ring 3 points if the boule lands in the grey zone and stops inside the ring 0 point if the boule does NOT land in the grey zone wherever it stops

13 POINTING EXERCISE-5 « Adding points »
2 matches of 4 rounds each 1st match only pointing authorized 2nd match both pointing and shooting authorized POINTING EXERCISE-5 « Adding points » Two teams – 3 players each with 2 boules Team-1 places 4 boules and the jack (with hands) wherever they want Team-2 starts to play and try to add the maximum number of points Team-1 plays and try also to add maximum number of points (with the same four initial boules on the lanes at the same place) Next round, Team-2 place the 4 boules and the jack again with hands and Team-1 starts to play and to add point. Then Team 2 plays… 4 rounds and the team with more points win…

2 rounds – with the point to win on the left side 2 rounds – with the point to win on the right side POINTING EXERCISE-6 «WIN A POINT» Objectives: Win the point and if possible in front of the opponent boule 1m 0,3m 1m 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 3 points if you win the point (white ring) 1 point if the boule stops in the grey ring 0 point if the boule hits the first one or doesn’t stop in the circle

5 rounds – 4 shoots per round Objectives: Get a shoot with curve 1m diameter 20 cm 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 5 points if you make carreau inside the ring without hitting the first boule 3 points if you hit the second boule and the boule gets out of the ring without hitting the first boule 1 point if you hit the second boule and the boule doesn’t get out the ring without hitting the first boule -1 point if you hit directly the first boule

16 Shooting EXERCISE-2 « SHOOTING»
5 rounds – 4 shoots per round Objectives: Get a shoot with curve 1m diameter 20 cm 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 5 points if you make carreau inside the ring without hitting the second boule 3 points if you hit the first boule and the boule gets out of the ring without hitting the second boule 1 point if you hit the first boule and the boule doesn’t get out the ring without hitting the second boule -1 point if you hit directly the second boule

17 Shooting EXERCISE-3 « SHOOTING behind the jack»
5 rounds – 4 shoots per round Shooting EXERCISE-3 « SHOOTING behind the jack» Objectives: Get the point after the shot 1m diameter 20 cm 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 5 points if you make carreau inside the ring without hitting the jack 3 points if you get the point after the shot without hitting the jack 1 point if you hit the boule but you don’t win the point -1 point if you hit the jack

5 rounds – 4 shoots per round Shooting EXERCISE-4 « SHOOTING ALONE» Objectives: Apply the learnings (curve) from previous shooting exercises 1m diameter 9.5m 8.5m 7.5m 6.5m 5 points if you make carreau inside the ring 3 points if you get the point after the shot without hitting the jack 1 point if you hit the boule but you don’t have the point -1 point if you hit the jack


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