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Maha Al-Yahya September 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Maha Al-Yahya September 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maha Al-Yahya September 2011
Welcome to IT 444 Web Intelligence Maha Al-Yahya September 2011

2 Overview Who? What? Why? How?

3 Getting to know each other?

4 Getting to know me أستاذ مساعد- قسم تقنية المعلومات- جامعة الملك سعود.
الاسم: مها اليحيى أستاذ مساعد- قسم تقنية المعلومات- جامعة الملك سعود. التعليم بكالوريوس في علوم الحاسب من جامعة الملك سعود. ماجستير في علوم الحاسب من جامعة بريستول، المملكة المتحدة. دكتوراة في علوم الحاسب من جامعة نوتنجهام، المملكة المتحدة، تخصص الويب الدلالية وتقنيات التعليم. التواصل زيارتي في المكتب (في الساعات المكتبية المحددة): غرفة رقم 31- الدور الأول- مبنى رقم 20 عبر الايميل

5 Getting to know you عرفينا بنفسك هوايتك المفضلة
أبرز المشاريع البرمجية التي شاركت في اعدادها ماذا تتمني أن تحققي في المستقبل (الرؤيةالمستقبلية) المواد التي درستيها وأعجبتك في القسم، وماذا استفدت منها

6 What will we learn? What?

7 The Course We will learn about recent trends and technologies in Web Intelligence.

8 What is intelligence? Capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding. “” The ability for abstract thought, understanding, communication, reasoning, learning, planning, and problem solving. “Wikipedia”

9 Web

10 Information Retrieval
WWW Artificial Intelligence Data Mining Information Retrieval Web Intelligence

11 Course Syllabus Basic technologies Information retrieval
The semantic web Data mining techniques Classification Association Clustering Web analytics Web usage mining Web content mining Web structure mining 11

12 Why Web Intelligence? Why?

13 The Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, you will be able to: Understand theories and technologies necessary for building intelligent web applications. Design and implement Intelligent Web Systems.

14 How will we learn Web Intelligence?
Teaching strategy How?

15 I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand

16 Average Retention Rate
Learning Pyramid [1] Average Retention Rate Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Teach Others / Immediate Use 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% Traditional Teaming

17 Attention span [2]

18 Attention Span [2]

19 What will we do about it? Students' attention span is approximately 15 minutes so we will refresh by changing activities every minutes. Apply new models of Learning Team-based learning Active Learning

20 Methods To introduce the theory and basic concepts
Lectures (Active Learning) Assignments (individual/Group) Tutorials (workshops/discussion sessions) Hands-on Experience Class group activities Maha Al-Yahya KSU 2009

21 Activity Can you think of an intelligent web application?
Maha Al-Yahya KSU 2009

22 Assesment

23 Assessment Assessment is a mechanism for
providing me with data for improving my teaching methods, and guiding and motivating students to be actively involved in their own learning. As such, assessment provides important feedback to both instructors and students.

24 Grading Scheme 30% Midterms (2) 10% Quizzes (2) 15% Group Project 5%
Assignments 40% Final Exam 100% Total

25 Exam Dates Exam Date Midterm 1 Monday 24th October 2011
26 ذو القعدة 1432 Time:11-12:30 Midterm 2 Monday 19th December 2011 24 محرم 1432 Time: 11-12:30 Maha Al-Yahya KSU 2009

26 Course Resources

27 Textbook Building an intelligent Web: theory and practice
Rajendra Akerkar, Pawan Lingras Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2008 ISBN X, Maha Al-Yahya KSU 2009

28 The Course Blog The IT 444 course blog I will use it for
Making announcements Providing course calendar Uploading lecture slides, and assignments Reading your comments and views on the topics Answering your questions

29 The Course Blog You will use it for Reading announcements
Obtaining course information Schedule Assignments Project deliverables Asking questions Commenting on various course topics and issues

30 خدمة تواصل خدمة رسائل الجامعة القصيرة تقوم على تفعيل التواصل بين الجهات والمستفيدين عن طريق استخدام رسائل الجوال القصيرة . الخدمة متاحة لكافة منسوبي الجامعة. رمز المجموعة : 79361 اسم المجموعة: IT 444

31 So… Welcome aboard and … learn, have fun, and prepare for a successful future insha ALLAH

32 References [1] Dale, Edgar, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, third edition, Holt Rinehart, Winston, [2] Johnstone, A.H. & Percival, F. (1976) Attention breaks in lectures, Education in Chemistry, 13,

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