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Requirements – Essential To Robust Product Design

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements – Essential To Robust Product Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements – Essential To Robust Product Design
Definition: “Statements of desired product performances and features used to define and quantify a product design” User Level: Special list or labels which state the intended application and/or purpose of the product (Labeling) Product Level: (System Level) Quantitatively state all features, performances, and interfaces in “Eng Terms” Block Level: State all features, performances and interfaces describing the block in “Engineering Terms” User Level >>> Validation Product & Block Level>>>Verification Efficient Engineering teams fully specify before they design !!

2 Design Blocks Complex products require that the design be broken into logical design elements (termed blocks in this course) Min 1 Design Block per team member is Mandatory Blocks form the basis of standardized design elements in this course. The terms Product and System are used interchangeably Product Level Requirements can either be allocated or just associated to all design blocks. The Project System Design entails defining ALL Block Performance Reqs incl Interfaces and Functions

3 Allocation and Association to Design Blocks
ALL Product Level Requirements Must be allocated or associated to each Design Block within the project to complete a System Design Phase Allocated: % of total budgeted to applicable design blocks plus margin. For example: Product Cost, Power Consumption, Mass …. Associated: Used when allocation is not applicable. For example: Country(s) of Market, Annual Volume, Safety Standards ….

4 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template
Project Requirements Management Tool Prerequisites For Use: Team is assigned, Project is Selected by Team Decision Product Block diagram is finalized (# of blocks, ownership, interfaces, etc) Most Product Level Requirements have been proposed, discussed, agreed to Spreadsheet Supports up to 10 Total Blocks (can be modified for more) Data Is Entered In the Std and Perf Req sheets (1st two sheets) ONLY Data Is Entered into Beige Shaded Blocks Only ! DO NOT enter data into the Block Spreadsheets Block”n” sheets Xfer ALL info, titles, etc from Std and Perf Req sheets Linkages are Built In for Block levels down to the Block-Block section

5 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template
Each Team Should Customize Template as Needed Number of Design Blocks Hide Columns if Unused, Fewer Blocks Delete Extra Block Sheets Be careful NOT to break Block linkages back to Standard and Perf Reqs Sheets Add specific-unique Block Requirements in the Block-Block sections (next lab)

6 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Standard
Categories: Market, Power, Mechanical, Environmental, Safety, Manufacturing, & Life Cycle

7 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Standard
Quantified Requirements, Min, Max Enter Number in Beige Shaded cells Green Cells Autocalculate

8 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Standard
Unquantifiable Requirements May also have Suggested Lists Enter (Text) Countries, Names, Types, Styles, Stds, etc in Beige shaded cells

9 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Standard
For Allocations: Enter #% for each block Total % Allocated in listed at right 1 Block May be Assigned as “Margin” and allocated a reasonable % of total OR … Total % Used May be less than 100%

10 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Standard
For Associations: Enter “XX” for each block that is associated with the product level requirements The XX will transfer to each block sheet.

11 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Performance
Categories: User Inputs User Indicators & Displays Operation Modes Electrical Interfaces Electrical Performances Mechanical Interfaces Safety Caution: Perf Requirements Listed May NOT be applicable to your project Use only those necessary Add additional as necessary but be careful not to break links

12 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Performance
Most Requirements are Quantifiable: Min, Max Must be Entered as Defined Enter Numbers in Beige Shaded cells

13 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Performance
Unquantifiable Requirements have Suggested Lists Enter (Text) in Beige shaded cells

14 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template: Product Level - Performance
Same Scheme for Allocation and Association Caution: Not ALL quantifiable requirements will allocate, you may need to fall back on just association

15 Excel Requirement Flowdown Template
Example of Block Output from Tool

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