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RAPID INFILTRATION BASIN Design and Permitting Services

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1 RAPID INFILTRATION BASIN Design and Permitting Services
Haines City, Florida RAPID INFILTRATION BASIN Design and Permitting Services RFQ #160504 August 1, 2016

2 TEAM PENNONI Winter Haven Office (formerly Envisors) Overview
40 Years Local Service Pennoni merger November 2014 Overview Multi-disciplined services Founded 1966 1000+ employees, 28 offices, 10 States 100’s municipalities & wastewater departments Project Team Winter Haven Office (26 staff) Pennoni (1000+ staff) Geotechnical (Universal and SMW Geosciences)

3 Local Presence We are 20 minutes away
Local Office Haines City We are 20 minutes away and have been part of community for 40 years

4 Pennoni Experience Project Type Local Office Pennoni Team Total
Env. Resource permitting/wetland Mitigation (sites) 200+ 400+ Stormwater Design/Permitting (sites) 1,000+ 1,400+ Surveys (Topo, Boundary, Wetland, etc.) 5,000+ 15,000+ 20,000+ Roads Designed 300+ 8,150+ 8,450+ Pumping Systems   1,100+ 1,300+ Wastewater Treatment 30+ 3,600+ 3,630+ Master Plans 40+ 500+ 540+ Geotechnical Investigations/Designs 2,200+ 2,600+ Hydrogeological Investigation/Designs 80+ 280+ Contamination Evaluation/Remediation  70+ 20,070+

5 Environmental Experience
40 years of local knowledge and expertise Project area is within environmental habitat for protected species (Gopher Tortoise and Skinks) Fish & Wildlife (FWS) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) coordination.

6 City Project Design and permitting of new rapid infiltration basin (RIB) in the vicinity of the Southern Dunes golf course to: Provide additional effluent disposal capacity Supplement existing reclaimed water system Provide expanded wet weather disposal options

7 Site Considerations Geotechnical Setbacks Site Size
Field and Lab Soil Testing Percolation Rate (typically 3”-9” per day) Mounding Analysis Environmental Benefit (Aquifer Recharge) Setbacks Property Lines, Wells, Rights-of-Way Reduce due to Public Access Reuse Quality Effluent Site Size Berm Slope (4:1), Freeboard (3’), Depth to Water Table Basin Configuration, Site Slope, Bottom Area ±17 acres per MGD of Capacity at 3” per day ±7 acres per MGD of Capacity at 9” per day

8 Project Approach - Management
Key Personnel Steven Elias, P.E., Project Manager Roger Homann, Project Engineer Communications Single point of contact Schedule control Budget Control Not to exceed (NTE) contract Document Control City Standards QA/QC

9 Organization Chart & Management Plan
Randy Austin Nathan Chambers  Haines City, FL Design & Permitting Project Manager Steven Elias, PE Principal-in-Charge/ QA/QC Manager Nelson Shaffer Steven Shealey, PE Roger Homann Jeffrey McKinney Robert DuBois, PSM Sarah Whitaker , PG* R. Kenneth Derick, MS, PE Aravind Rangaswany, MS, PE Geotechnical Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. Environmental Austin Environmental Consultants, Inc. *SMW Geosciences Resource Capacity Local Office 26 staff Pennoni 1000+ staff Universal Engineering 500+ Staff

10 Project Approach - Technical
Preliminary Engineering Study Environmental Study (i.e. Skinks, Gopher Tortoise) Geotechnical Study (Screening, Full Evaluation) Topographic, Boundary, and Wetland Survey Preliminary RIB Capacity Analysis Preliminary Engineering Report SWFWMD Grant Application Environmental Benefit Final Design and Permitting Agency Coordination RIB Capacity Analysis – Groundwater Modeling 60% / 90% / 100% Design Plans Permitting Construction Services

11 Community Involvement
Haines City EDC Haines City Chamber Various Sponsorships (Fireworks, Ribs on the Ridge)

12 Why Pennoni? Strong Pennoni Team
Geotechnical - Universal Engineering Sciences Environmental – Austin Environmental Consultants Hydrogeological – SMW Geosciences Local & National Resources & Expertise Dozens of local wastewater / reuse / RIB projects Local Office – 40 Years in Polk County Innovative and Specialty Expertise Commitment to Quality & Resources We want to continue to work with the City!

13 Questions?

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