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Where and how was God involved in your weekend?

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Presentation on theme: "Where and how was God involved in your weekend?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where and how was God involved in your weekend?
WEEKEND JOURNAL #3 Left Column (must be completely filled): What did you do this weekend? Right Column (make comments concerning…): Where and how was God involved in your weekend? 6/4/2018

2 SAMUEL 1 Samuel 1 (1105 BC) 1 Samuel 1 (1105 BC) WHO:
1 Samuel 1 (1105 BC) 1 Samuel 1 (1105 BC) WHO: A man from Ramathaim A Zuphite Name of Elkanah Son of Jeroham, Elihu,Tohu, Zuph, Elamites (Levite) Who had two wives Peninnah Hannah

3 SAMUEL: What and Why WHAT: Elkanah went to town to worship
Went to sacrifice Single portion to Peninnah Double portion to. Hannah WHY: Because he loved her Because she had no children Which irritated Peninnah

4 SAMUEL: Where and What WHERE: Hannah went to the House Of the LORD At Shiloh Her husband worried about her Weeping She was not eating Hannah made a vow Eli thought she was drunk on wine or beer WHAT: Eli blessed her “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” She conceived and bore a son, Samuel (Heb. heard of God), to Elkanah

5 Map of Israel

6 MY BEST RESPONSE How does God come to us today and talk to us?
How do you relate back to God? 6/4/2018

7 CHAPTER 2: The Wickedness of Eli’s Sons
SAMUEL CHAPTER 2: The Wickedness of Eli’s Sons WHO were they? HOW wicked? WHAT did they do? WHERE did they do it? WHY did they do it? WHO knew? HOW was Eli warned? WHAT was the prophecy against ELI? WHAT was the promise given to Eli?

8 CHAPTER 3: Samuel’s Call
“Word of God was rare” “Not many visions and dreams” “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” I Samuel 3:19-21 Word came true God continued to be revealed through His Word Last of the Judges to rule Israel Also a priest Now a Prophet Establishes an order of Prophets during the reign of King Saul

9 CHAPTER 4: Judgment of Eli’s House
Sons killed therefore judgeship was not passed on

10 CHAPTER 7: Samuel as Judge and Prophet
Called people of Israel away from idolatry Ba’al worship

11 SAMUEL’s travels

12 MY BEST RESPONSE How do you tell someone he/she is in the wrong?
How do you know the person is responding to what you're saying? 6/4/2018

13 CHAPTER 8: Israel demands a King
Warns people at Mizpah about rejecting the Theocracy Samuel establishes kingdom and Saul returns to Gibeah (Judge Prophet)

14 1 SAMUEL 9-11: SAMUEL & Saul I Samuel 9-11 (approx. 1050 B.C.)
Saul was a Benjamite, son of Kish (1 Sam. 9:1) Saul was impressive looking--a head taller (1 Sam. 9:2) Humble/shy (1 Sam. 10:22b) in the beginning Saul feared and acknowledged God (1 Sam. 10:9-11) Saul’s first victories (1 Sam. 11:6-11) Gathered people together to defeat the Ammonites (1 Sam. 11:6-11) Charged with the spirit of the Lord (1 Sam. 10:9-11)) All in all--A GOOD START

15 I Samuel 12: SAMUEL & Saul I Samuel 12 Samuel’s farewell address Samuel declares the kingdom of Israel at Gilgal and tells the people they are to blame for the systems failure (1 Sam. 12:6-15)) God sends a sign--A thunderstorm (1 Sam. 12:16-18)) The people repent (1 Sam. 12:19-25)

16 I Samuel 13: SAMUEL & Saul I Samuel 13 Saul’s great failure
Pride (1 Sam. 13:4) Self-will took over Saul acts like a priest (1 Sam. 13:9-14) Saul was a Benjamite Saul broke God’s law (1 Sam. 13:13-14) Wasn’t patient Offered a sacrifice Only Levites were to offer sacrifices

17 Where and how was God involved in your weekend?
WEEKEND JOURNAL #4 Left Column (must be completely filled): What did you do this weekend? Right Column (make comments concerning…): Where and how was God involved in your weekend? 6/4/2018

18 I Samuel 14 SAMUEL & Saul I Samuel 14
Victories for Saul’s son, Jonathan (1 Sam. 14:1-14) Jonathan violates his fathers vow (1 Sam. 14:24-30) Saul acts like a prophet (1 Sam. 14:37-44) God refuses to answer Saul’s inquiries

19 I Samuel 15: SAMUEL & Saul I Samuel 15
Samuel informs Saul of God’s wishes (1 Sam. 15:1-3) Saul fights the Amalakites as God commands (1 Sam. 15:4-8) Saul disobeys God’s command (1 Sam. 15:9) Takes Agag prisoner Keeps the best sheep and cattle God informs Samuel of Saul’s disobedience (1 Sam. 15:10-11) Saul sets up a monument to himself in Carmel (1 Sam. 15:12) Saul lies to Samuel (1 Sam. 15:13) Saul blames his soldiers (1 Sam. 15:15, 20-21) The Lord rejects Saul (1 Sam. 15:26) Saul repents (1 Sam. 15:24-25, 30-31)

20 I Samuel 16: SAMUEL & David
I Samuel 16, 25 and 28 Samuel mourns for Saul (1 Sam. 16:1) God commands Samuel to go to Jesse of Bethlehem(1 Sam. 16:1) God rejects Jesse’s 7 sons (1 Sam. 16:8-11) God informs Samuel to anoint the youngest: David (approx B.C.) (1 Sam. 16:12) Samuel goes to Ramah (1 Sam. 15:13) Samuel dies (1 Sam. 25:1) Saul tries to contact Samuel (1 Sam. 28:3-19)

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