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The Netherlands during the 1920s

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1 The Netherlands during the 1920s
Astrid van den Berghe, Willem van den Berge, Lars van den Biggelaar, Vera Cup,Roman Schuring, Rick van der Sluis, Jeroen Smit & Rutger van der Steenhoven

2 Content History Literature Dutch art Famous painting

3 History Refugees from Belgium
WWI German invasion 1 million inhabitants and soldiers Newspaper announcements Prison Amersfoort Hosts Return to Belgium

4 History Wire of death Dutch-Belgian Border
Built by the Germans during WWI 2.000 Volt ±400 deaths, including 40 Dutch persons 450 km long

5 Literature Paul van Ostaijen
Bauhaus-artists and literati Fritz Stuckenberg ‘Das Liebespaar’ Return to Belgium Printing office Unsuccessful art gallery ‘Avontuur’ 18th of March, 1928, Miavoye-Anthée Schoonselhof, Antwerp 22nd of February, 1896, Antwerp Enfant terrible ‘Vlaamsche Bond’ Mansion in Hove Steenbergen ‘The lord in the mighty gray Antwerp’ ‘Mister 1830’ ‘Vlaamsche Courant’ Berlin

6 Literature Martinus Nijhoff
Born in 1894 Company Nijhoff Studies Way of writing Debut Prices

7 Dutch Art The style: Piet Mondriaan, Theo van Doesburg
Expressionism: Jan Altink, Kees van Dongen, Jan Sluijters

8 Composition red, yellow and blue
1927 Cubism Piet Mondriaan

9 Simultaneous counter composition
1930 (finished) Kubism Simultaneous Theo van Doesburg

10 K. Ter Laan Jan Altink

11 Potrait of Charles Rappoport
1920 Boijmans van Beuningen Kees van Dongen

12 Self-Portrait 1911 Jan Sluijters

13 Famous painting Leo Gestel, Belgian Refugees 1914

14 What are thoooooose? The end Questions?

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