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King David.

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1 King David

2 Saul’s reign over Israel lasted for forty-two years and he often disobeyed the Lord. The Lord had chosen David as king.

3 The Philistines whom the Israelities had been batting for years ,had a warrior named Goliath. Every day he shouted to the Israelites: “ If any one is brave enough to fight me,let him step forward .”

4 One day,David heard Goliath. David decided to fight this man
One day,David heard Goliath.David decided to fight this man.He said that with the help of the Lord he will defeat Goliath.Goliath mocked David ,but David was neither embarrassed nor afraid.He reached into his bag for a stone,hurled it and struck Goliath on the forehead.David had defeated the giant!

5 David became a hero to the Israelities. He was a great king
David became a hero to the Israelities.He was a great king .David expanded Israel’s territory.He loved the Lord and worshiped him.He praised God and wrote songs to him.Many years later,in David’s hometown of Bethlehem,a baby was born into his family who would be king forever.

6 David ruled in Israel for forty years
David ruled in Israel for forty years.Before he died,he made his son Solomon the king.

7 Hrag Mardirossian Georges Ibrahim Jad Abi Raji 5A

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