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Community Readiness Forum Spencer County Schools “ Going the distance for All Students” March 8th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Readiness Forum Spencer County Schools “ Going the distance for All Students” March 8th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Readiness Forum Spencer County Schools “ Going the distance for All Students”
March 8th, 2016

2 Agenda: Welcome / Introductions
Laying the Foundation for Kindergarten Readiness Current School Initiatives Community Sharing Discussion of Next Steps

3 Objectives: To work collaboratively to develop initiatives that will improve the readiness skills of incoming kindergarteners To engage the community in helping the students of Spencer County become successful global learners

4 Kindergarten Readiness: “In Kentucky, School readiness means that a child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. “ “Students who come to school without the expected development are often challenged to catch up with their Classmates”

5 Social Readiness: Communicate basic needs
Can take care of bathroom needs Following simple direction: Put folder in blue tub and hang back pack up Listens when others are speaking Ask for help when needed Keeps hands, feet, and objects to self (displays self-control) Respects and cooperates with others

6 Academic Readiness: Use pictures or letter like marks to write
Use writing tools appropriately (pencils, crayons, and scissors). Attempts to trace, copy, or write identifiable letters, recognize and write first name Identify and write first name, identify letters in name Enjoys being read to Listen to nursey rhymes and children literature when read aloud and discuss

7 Academic Readiness: Attempt to recognize letters and sounds.
Attempt to count by rote Recognize some written numerals. Use some words for size Big/little, more/less, and positional words: inside/outside, over/under, top/bottom Draw and identify basic shapes Recite the alphabet, not in song Can identify most colors.

8 Brigance Assessment: A brief procedure (10-15 minutes per child) used to identify children’s strengths and needs and help plan instruction. Two Parts: Core Assessment and Self Help/Emotional Can also be used to identify children who may need additional intervention or ultimately evaluation. A tool for program evaluation.

9 Brigance Assessment:

10 Spencer County Readiness Data

11 Readiness Data by Setting:
13-14 14-15 15-16 Spencer County Preschool 40.0 51.3 47.7 Head Start (State wide) 42.4 44.5 45.8 Child Care (Privately owned) 70.0 69.9 70.1 Home (Parent or Guardian) 37.4 37.9 36.2 Other (Babysitter, Non-licensed care) 60.3 61.3 61.2

12 Current School Initiatives:
All Day Kindergarten Kinder-boost Countdown to Kindergarten All Day Preschool Opportunities Ongoing Screenings (preschool) Community Early Childhood Council District Provided Resources

13 Current Community Initiatives

14 Ideas for moving Forward?

15 Next Meeting: September 13th , 2016 1:00

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