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Basic Surveying Dr. Asma Th. Ibraheem Dr. Asma.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Surveying Dr. Asma Th. Ibraheem Dr. Asma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Surveying Dr. Asma Th. Ibraheem Dr. Asma

2 Introduction to Surveying
Definition: Surveying is the science and art of determining the relative positions of points above, on, or beneath the earth’s surface and locating the points in the field. Dr. Asma

3 The work of the surveyor consists of 5 phases:
Decision Making – selecting method, equipment and final point locations. Fieldwork & Data Collection – making measurements and recording data in the field. Computing & Data Processing – preparing calculations based upon the recorded data to determine locations in a useable form. Mapping or Data Representation – plotting data to produce a map, plat, or chart in the proper form. Stakeout – locating and establishing monuments or stakes in the proper locations in the field. Dr. Asma

4 2 Categories of Surveying:
Dr. Asma

5 Plane Surveying – surveying with the reference base for fieldwork and computations are assumed to be a flat horizontal surface. Generally within a 12 mile radius the pull of gravity is very nearly parallel to that at any other point within the radius and thus horizontal lines can be considered straight. Geodetic Surveying – surveying technique to determine relative positions of widely spaced points, lengths, and directions which require the consideration of the size and shape of the earth. (Takes the earth’s curvature into account.) Dr. Asma

6 7 Types of Surveys: Photogrammetry – mapping utilizing data obtained by camera or other sensors carried in airplanes or satellites. Boundary Surveying – establishing property corners, boundaries, and areas of land parcels. Control Surveying – establish a network of horizontal and vertical monuments that serve as a reference framework for other survey projects. Engineering Surveying – providing points and elevations for the building Civil Engineering projects. Dr. Asma

7 7 Types of Surveys: Topographic Surveying – collecting data and preparing maps showing the locations of natural man-made features and elevations of points o the ground for multiple uses. Route Surveys – topographic and other surveys for long – narrow projects associated with Civil Engineering projects. Highways, railroads, pipelines, and transmission lines. Hydrographic Surveying – mapping of shorelines and the bottom of bodies of water. Also known as bathymetric surveying. Dr. Asma

8 Brief History of Surveying:
Surveying had it’s beginning in Egypt about 1400 BC Land along the Nile River was divided for taxation. Divisions were washed away by annual floods. “ROPE-STRETCHERS” Egyptian surveyors were created to relocate the land divisions (measurements were made with ropes having knots at unit distances). Extensive use of surveying in building of Egyptian monuments Greeks: expanded Egyptian work and developed Geometry. Developed one of the earliest surveying instruments – Diopter (a form of level). Dr. Asma

9 Brief History of Surveying:
Romans: developed surveying into a science to create the Roman roads, aqueducts, and land division systems. Surveyors held great power, had schools and a professional organization Developed several instruments: Groma – cross instrument used to determine lines and right angles Libella – “A” frame with a plumb bob used for leveling Chorobates – 20’ straight edge with oil in notch for leveling Middle Ages: land division of Romans continued in Europe. Quadrans – square brass frame capable of turning angles up to 90° and has a graduated scale developed by an Italian named Von Piso. Dr. Asma

10 Brief History of Surveying:
18th & 19th Century in the New World: the need for mapping and marking land claims caused extensive surveying, especially by the English. 1785: United Stated began extensive surveys of public lands into one mile square sections 30 states surveyed under the U.S. Public Land System (also called the Rectangular System) 1807: United States Geological Survey founded to establish an accurate control network and mapping Famous American Surveyors: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, George Rogers Clark, Abe Lincoln and many more. Dr. Asma

11 Brief History of Surveying:
20th Century and Beyond: As technology advanced, population increased, and land value caused development of licensure for surveyors in all states. Educational requirements for licensure began in the early 1990’s Capable of electronic distance measurement, positioning using global positioning systems, construction machine control, and lidar (scanning) mapping Involvement in rebuilding of the infrastructure and geographic information systems (GIS) Shortage of licensed professionals is projected well into the 21st century Dr. Asma

12 Geomatics is defined as a systemic, multidisciplinary, integrated approach to select the instruments and the appropriate techniques for collecting, storing, integrating, modeling, analyzing, retrieving at will, transforming, displaying and distributing spatially georeferenced data from different sources with well-defined accuracy characteristics, continuity and in a digital format. Dr. Asma

13 The name is used for surveying in U. S. A
The name is used for surveying in U.S.A. / Canada / United Kingdom / Australia. Surveying engineering = Geomatics engineering Principal reason for name change is : Recent technologies provided surveyors new tools for measuring and/or collecting information, for computing, and for displaying and disseminating information. Increasing concerns about the environment locally, regionally and globally, and this has greatly exacerbated efforts in monitoring, managing and regulating the use of our land, water, air and other natural resources. Dr. Asma

14 Surveying is used in the following sciences: Astronomy Forestry
Geography Geology Geophysics Landscape architecture Military and civil engineering Dr. Asma

15 Dr. Asma

16 Dr. Asma

17 Dr. Asma

18 making measurements with various types of instruments.
Surveying safety Surveyors (Geomatic engineers) generally are involved in both field and office work. 1- Field work making measurements with various types of instruments. determine the relative locations of points. to set out stakes in accordance with planned locations to guide building and construction operations. 2- Office work research and analysis in preparing for surveys. computing and processing the data obtained from field measurements. preparing maps, plots, charts, reports and other documents. Dr. Asma

19 Five kinds of measurement are: Horizontal angles Horizontal distances Vertical (or zenith) angles Vertical distances Slope distances Dr. Asma

20 Units of Measurements Magnitudes of measurements must be given in terms of specific units. Units in surveying 1. length 2. area 3. volume 4. angle International System of Units (SI) Metric system. Dr. Asma

21 Dr. Asma

22 Dr. Asma

23 The Distance Formula The distance d between any two points with the coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is given by A (x1,y1) B (x2,y2) Dr. Asma

24 Distance measurements are either used to measure between fixed points or to set a point a specific distance from a starting point. Distances can be described using several different types of units. Feet, meters, chains and poles are among the most common. Dr. Asma

25 Distance Measuring Methods/devices
Pacing Odometer Chaining Stadia Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM) Global Positioning System (GPS) Dr. Asma

26 Pacing Measuring distance by counting steps (paces).
Distance is calculated by multiplying the number of paces by the individuals pace factor. Advantages Simple Low tech No specialized equipment Dr. Asma

27 Odometer Wheel An odometer is a mechanical revolution counter.
An odometer wheel is a wheel which uses an odometer to count the rotations of the wheel. Advantages Easy to use Low tech Dr. Asma

28 Chaining Dr. Asma

29 -Chaining = Taping Traditional method of measuring distance.
Usually 100 foot lengths. Two common types. Available in steel and cloth. Advantages High precision 0.001 foot accuracy Can be used to measure horizontal distances. Error 0.1% of distance. Dr. Asma

30 Recording the distance
Taping When taping is used to determine the horizontal distance between two points or to set a point a specific distance from another point, it is done in six steps: Lining in Applying tension Plumbing Marking tape lengths Reading the tape Recording the distance Dr. Asma

31 Dr. Asma

32 Dr. Asma

33 Dr. Asma

34 Angles and Their Measure Dr. Asma

35 Protractor for Measuring Angles
6/4/2018 6:00 PM Protractor for Measuring Angles Dr. Asma

36 Measuring Angles Units are degrees (º)
6/4/2018 6:00 PM Measuring Angles Units are degrees (º) Dr. Asma

37       It’s Greek To Me! alpha beta gamma theta phi delta
Dr. Asma

38 Programme F8: Trigonometry
Angles Trigonometric ratios Dr. Asma

39 Programme F8: Trigonometry
Angles Pythagoras’ theorem The square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides Dr. Asma

40 There are two other versions of the law of cosines,
c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C There are two other versions of the law of cosines, a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A and b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B. Dr. Asma

41 Angles can be measured 3 ways:
1) Degrees (360 parts to a rotation) used for triangle applications 2) Radians (2∏ parts to a rotation) used for circular applications 3) Grads (100 parts to a rotation) used by the military Dr. Asma

42 Dr. Asma

43 arc length of the circle
Radian Measure An angle measured in radians is the ratio of the arc length of the circle to the radius of the circle. radius θ arc length Dr. Asma

44 radius arc length θ Dr. Asma

45 2∏r Since the circumference of a circle is _______ ,
one complete rotation would have arc length of _______. So θ = 1 rotation = 360° = 2∏ radians 2∏r Dr. Asma

46 Dr. Asma

47 Degree  Radian Conversion
Degrees  Radians: Radians  Degrees: Dr. Asma

48 Dr. Asma

Dr. Asma

50 applying a tape to a line fitting a protector to an angle
Direct observations : Examples : applying a tape to a line fitting a protector to an angle turning an angle with a total station instrument Indirect observations : Observations are determined by its relationship to some other value or values Example : The distance across a river can be found by observing the length of a line on one side, the angle at each end of this line to a point on the other side and then computing the distance by one of the standard trigonometric formulas Dr. Asma

51 Errors & Mistakes Dr. Asma

An error is the difference between an observed value (X), for a quantity and its true value It is unconditionally stated that : observation is exact 2.every observation contains error 3. the true value of an observation is never known and therefore, the exact error present is always unknown Dr. Asma

53 3. fatigue missed communication 4. poor judgment
MISTAKES These are observer blunders and caused by: 1.misunderstanding the problem 2. carelessness 3. fatigue missed communication 4. poor judgment Dr. Asma

54 Personal errors: arise from limitations of sight and touch.
SOURCES OF ERRORS Natural errors: caused by variations in wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheres refraction, gravity and magnetic declination Instrumental errors: imperfection in the construction or judgment of instruments and from the movement of individual parts Personal errors: arise from limitations of sight and touch. Dr. Asma

55 Errors in observations are of two types : systematic and random
TYPES OF ERRORS Errors in observations are of two types : systematic and random Dr. Asma

Dr. Asma

57 Dr. Asma

58 Precision refers to the degree of refinement or consistency of a group of observations, and is evaluated on the basis of discrepancy size. If multiple observations are made of the same quantity and small discrepancies result, this indicates high precision. The degree of precision attainable is dependent on equipment sensitivity and observer skill. Accuracy denotes the absolute nearness of observed quantities to their true values Dr. Asma

59 Horizontal Distance Measurement
Dr. Asma

60 Basic Surveying Terms Vertical line Horizontal line Horizontal plane
Vertical plane Level surface (Line) Distance Horizontal Vertical Slope Dr. Asma

61 Five kinds of measurement are:
Horizontal angles Horizontal distances Vertical (or zenith) angles Vertical distances Slope distances Dr. Asma

62 Dr. Asma

63 Distance measurements are either used to measure between fixed points or to set a point a specific distance from a starting point. Distances can be described using several different types of units. Feet, meters, chains and poles are among the most common. Dr. Asma

64 Horizontal Distance Measurement
Pacing Tape Odometer Tacheometry : Subtense Bar and Stadia EDM and GPS Dr. Asma 1 1

65 Distance Measurement Devices and accuracy:
Older technologies “ quick look” Pacing : 1:50 Optical rangefinders: 1: 50 Odometers: 1:200 Tacheometry / stadia 1: 500 Subtense bar 1: 3000 Tapes: 1: 10,000 Modern Technology: - Electronic Distance Measuring (EDM) devices - Total Station and Smart Station Dr. Asma

66 Recording the distance
Taping When taping is used to determine the horizontal distance between two points or to set a point a specific distance from another point, it is done in six steps: Lining in Applying tension Plumbing Marking tape lengths Reading the tape Recording the distance Dr. Asma

67 Dr. Asma

68 Dr. Asma

69 Taping on Sloping Ground
Taping on ground that has a slope too steep to allow the surveyors to bring the full length of the tape to a level position will require the recording of partial tape lengths. This procedure is called breaking tape. Dr. Asma

70 Dr. Asma

71 Dr. Asma

72 Personal errors : arise from limitations of sight and touch.
SOURCES OF ERRORS Natural errors : caused by variations in wind, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheres refraction, gravity and magnetic declination Instrumental errors : imperfection in the construction or judgment of instruments and from the movement of individual parts Personal errors : arise from limitations of sight and touch. Dr. Asma

73 Tape Measurement Sources of Errors: Incorrect length of the tape
Temperature difference Sag Poor alignment Tape not horizontal Improper Plumbing Dr. Asma 2 2

74 Odometer and Subtense Bar
The idea of an odometer. Subtense bar: a 2 m rod. Distance H= cot(/2) m. 3 3

75 Aiming Telescope Subtense Bar Distance H = cot(/2) m. Dr. Asma

76 Stadia Principle of the Stadia:
Horizontal Distance = 100 rod intercept for a horizontal line of sight and a vertical rod Symbols: (I) rod intercept, or stadia interval (i) spacing between stadia hair (f/i) = k = 100: stadia interval factor C = (c + f) approximately 0, Stadia constant Dr. Asma 4 4

77 EDM Mounted on a theodolite
Dr. Asma

78 Dr. Asma

79 Reflectors (Prisms) Fully rotating prism Prism and sighting target
Dr. Asma Pole and bipod

80 Handheld laser measuring devices
Dr. Asma

81 Dr. Asma

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