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Introduction to Biology

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1 Introduction to Biology
Ms. Rosendo 10-B

2 Science and Biology Science is the knowledge of certain natural and non natural phenomena by its principals and causes. It’s a continuous search for answering the why of things.

3 What is Biology? Branch that studies live organisms and uses all of the branches that also focus on live organisms. Focuses on: Structure Function Reproductive Cycle Evolution

4 distingue a los reinos animal, vegetal, hongos, protistas, arqueas y bacterias del resto de realidades naturales. Implica las capacidades de nacer, crecer, reproducirse y morir, y, a lo largo de sucesivas generaciones, evolucionar.

5 Areas of Biology

6 Areas of Biology Anatomy – study of the organs and systems.
Physiology – study of how an organism works. Microbiology – study of microscopic beings. Ecology – interactions between living organisms and their environment. Zoology – study of the animal kingdom. Botany – study of the plant kingdom. Genetics – study of the transmission and modification of characteristics from one generation to the other.


8 Areas of Biology Molecular biology – study of the biological processes at a molecular level. One of the most recent and developed biology branches. Includes aspects like genetic engineering and cloning.

9 What are the characteristics of a living organism?
Growth Reproduction Metabolism Irritability Adaptation Movement Evolution

10 Levels of Organization in Biology

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