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What is classification?

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Presentation on theme: "What is classification?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is classification?

2 Q What are things made from? A : Things are made up of materials.

3 Things can be living and non living.

4 Living and non living things can be divided into following groups.

5 Differences between and living and non living things

6 What living things can do?

7 Seven characteristics of living things

8 What things are made up of?

9 Q What is classification
Q What is classification? A: Classification is grouping things based upon their characteristics.

10 Q How is classification useful for us
Q How is classification useful for us? A: Classification makes it easy to understand and study things around us.

11 Q What is binominal system
Q What is binominal system? A: In this system, each organism is given two Latin names. These names are used by scientists all over the world. So that they can share information about same organism without confusion.

12 Q Who classified the things first of all
Q Who classified the things first of all? A: In 1735, a scientist called Carolus Linnaeus divided things into groups.

13 Q What are species? A: A species is a group of plant or animal that can breed with each other to produce fertile offspring.

14 What are the different ways of classification
What are the different ways of classification? A: 1) 2,350 years ago Aristotle a Greek scientist divided things into 2 groups. a) Plants = The things that were green were plants. b) Animals = The things that can move were animals. 2) In 19th century, John Hogg classified things into 3 groups. Plants, animals and microbes. Microbe = Tiny living things that cannot be seen with naked eye. 3) Now scientists put organisms into two groups. a) Vertebrates b) Invertebrates

15 Q What is biology. A: The study of living things is called biology
Q What is biology? A: The study of living things is called biology. The person who studies biology is called a biologist.

16 What is ethology? A: The study of behaviour of animals is called ethology. The person who studies ethology is called ethologist.

17 Q What is botany. A: The study of plants is called botany
Q What is botany? A: The study of plants is called botany. The person who studies botany is called botanist.

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