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The Leader of the XXI century (ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшысы)

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Presentation on theme: "The Leader of the XXI century (ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшысы)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Leader of the XXI century (ХХІ ғасыр көшбасшысы)
7 A class extracurricular activities Written by Shortanova Zh.R

2 I round Baiga

3 20 30 10

4 What is the symbol of England?

5 Rose

6 20 30 10

7 What river is Astana situated on?

8 The Esil

9 20 30 10

10 What city is the capital of Scotland?

11 Edinburgh

12 20 30 10

13 This man was wrote many plays
This man was wrote many plays. For example, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Othello”, “King Lear” and “Hamlet”

14 Shakespeare

15 20 30 10

16 The epic novel “Abai” is the work of ….

17 Mukhtar Auezov

18 20 30 10

19 The national musical instrument of the Kazakhs

20 dombyra, kobyz

21 20 30 10

22 What universities are the oldest and prestigious in Great Britain?

23 Oxford and Cambridge

24 20 30 10

25 Who was the first Kazakh

26 Toktar Aubakirov

27 20 30 10

28 When do we celebrate The Constitution Day of Kazakhstan?

29 the 30th of August

30 II round Doda

31 Where is Disneyland?

32 Where is Disneyland? In Paris

33 Which month is the day of independence in Kazakhstan?

34 Which month is the day of independence in Kazakhstan? December

35 The first Capital of our Republic.

36 The first Capital of our Republic.

37 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

38 What is the official language of Kazakhstan?

39 The head of Great Britain?

40 The head of Great Britain?
The Queen

41 What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan?

42 What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan?
golden man

43 How many rooms are there in the White House?

44 How many rooms are there in the White House?

45 The Kazakh traditional food is …

46 The Kazakh traditional food is …

47 How many states does the USA
consists of?

48 How many states does the USA consists of?

49 What colour is our flag?

50 What colour is our flag? blue

51 The head of Kazakhstan is

52 The head of Kazakhstan is

53 What is the official language of the USA?

54 What is the official language of the USA?

55 The president of the USA?

56 The president of the USA?
Barak Obama

57 Kazakhstan is situated in…

58 Kazakhstan is situated in…
Central Asia

59 Who was the first president of the USA?

60 Who was the first president of the USA?

61 Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in …

62 Ahmet Yassaui Mausoleum is in …

63 What is the official language of China?

64 What is the official language of China?

65 Is Washington D. C a state?

66 Is Washington D. C a state?

67 What is American` s national sport?

68 What is American` s national sport?

69 III round English alphabet

70 1) holiday 10) present 19) send
2) apple ) chocolate ) flower 3) work ) bed ) table 4) Last ) kiss ) you 5) orange ) dear ) name 6) end ) garden ) ice 7) jam ) mother ) queen 8) union ) right ) zoo 9) vase ) x ray

71 Apple, bed, chocolate, dear, end,
flower, garden, holiday, ice, jam, kiss, last, mother,name,orange, present, queen,right,send,table, union, vase, work, ,xray, you, zoo

72 IV round “Odd words”

73 SGPING -------- NSU ----------EYLWOL ----- YEE


75 Y round “Riddles”

76 It is a vegetable. It has many eyes

77 It is a vegetable. It has many eyes

78 It is white and sweet

79 It is white and sweet

80 A little old woman has twelve children

81 A little old woman has twelve children

82 What has a neck but no head?

83 What has a neck but no head?

84 What belongs to you but is used more by others?

85 What belongs to you but is used more by others?

86 What grows under ground and has eyes?

87 What grows under ground and has eyes?

88 I have a little house in which I live all alone
I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.

89 I have a little house in which I live all alone
I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall.

90 Who are the two brothers who live on opposite sides of the road yet never see each other?

91 Who are the two brothers who live on opposite sides of the road yet never see each other?

92 There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

93 There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

94 What goes up and doesn’t come back down?

95 What goes up and doesn’t come back down?
your age


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