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Acknowledgements to all FCC study teams

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1 Acknowledgements to all FCC study teams
SMB FCC Civil Engineering FCC Week Rome, 2016 C. Cook, J. Osborne Acknowledgements to all FCC study teams C. Cook

2 FCC Civil Engineering Outline
History of the FCC civil engineering study FCC underground civil structures Naming Convention Cross-sections - Single and double tunnel proposals - Transfer lines - Combining FCC-hh and FCC-ee requirements Construction methods, rates and risks Inclined access tunnels Study of options for position of FCC Intersecting vs. Non-intersecting MDI and civil engineering - Experimental area layout FCC-he civil engineering Main challenges and future steps (costing) John: Chronological description of study since Washington. Advertise other CE talks. MCA, TOT development, AMBERG studies, ILC C. Cook

3 Recent history of the FCC civil engineering study
C. Cook

4 FCC Civil Engineering Naming Convention TO BE UPDATED C. Cook

5 FCC underground structures – double tunnel proposal
FCC Civil Engineering FCC underground structures – double tunnel proposal TO BE UPDATED C. Cook

6 ZAC map (ok to show?) & FHI design
FCC Civil Engineering LHC to FCC transfer lines ZAC map (ok to show?) & FHI design C. Cook

7 Combining FCC-hh and FCC-ee
FCC Civil Engineering Combining FCC-hh and FCC-ee Infrastructure must be designed to house both machines, at different times Boundary conditions for FCC-hh and FCC-ee beam separation in a given tunnel Max. separation FCC-ee beams Min. & max. separation FCC-ee & FCC-hh beams Change background O. Katsunobu C. Cook

8 Combining FCC-hh and FCC-ee
FCC Civil Engineering Combining FCC-hh and FCC-ee Widening of tunnel around FCC-ee IPs necessary ~1km either side of two IPs = ~4km total widened tunnel Tapered from ~16m at experimental halls to 6m over 1km C. Cook

9 FCC construction – Methods, progress rates and risks
FCC Civil Engineering FCC construction – Methods, progress rates and risks C. Cook

10 Inclined access tunnels
FCC Civil Engineering Inclined access tunnels C. Cook

11 Plan view drawing - Alexis
FCC Civil Engineering Machine Detector Interface Thanks to MDI-hh, MDI-ee, HSE Plan view drawing - Alexis C. Cook

12 ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC
FCC Civil Engineering ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC 100km ‘Intersecting’ option TO BE UPDATED Limestone region: Jura Max overburden: 650m Deepest shaft: 392m % of tunnel in limestone: 13.5% Total shaft depths: 3211m Challenges: 7.8km tunnelling through Jura limestone 300m-400m deep shafts and caverns in molasse C. Cook

13 ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC
FCC Civil Engineering ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC 100km ‘Non-Intersecting’ option TO BE UPDATED Limestone region: Prealps Max overburden: 1350m Deepest shaft: 383m % of tunnel in limestone: 4.4% Total shaft depths: 3095m Challenges: 11.6km tunnelling through Prealps geology 1.35km maximum tunnel overburden 300m-400m deep shafts and caverns in molasse C. Cook

14 ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC
FCC Civil Engineering ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC C. Cook

15 ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC
FCC Civil Engineering ‘Intersecting’ vs. ‘Non-intersecting’ position of the FCC 93km option C. Cook

16 FCC Civil Engineering Amberg Study C. Cook

17 FCC Civil Engineering FCC-he LHeC / FCC-he Independent FCC-he
Point L, F, H or B LHeC / FCC-he LHC P8 & FCC PB LHeC C. Cook

18 Main challenges and future steps
FCC Civil Engineering Main challenges and future steps C. Cook


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