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1.2 Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares

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1 1.2 Square Roots of Non-Perfect Squares
Learning Objective: Can I determine the square root of a non-perfect square?

2 Lesson Goals 1. Approximate the square roots of decimals and fractions of nonperfect squares. 2. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the missing side of a right triangle.

3 Introduction... Many fractions and decimals are not perfect squares.
A fraction or decimal that is not a perfect square is called a non-perfect square. The square roots of these numbers do not work out evenly! Vocabulary: A non-perfect square is a number that cannot be written as the product of two equal numbers. How can we estimate a square root of a decimal that is a non-perfect square?

4 Here are 2 strategies... Ask yourself: “Which 2 perfect squares are closest to 7.5?” 7.5 2 3 2.5 7.5 is closer to 9 than to 4, so is closer to 3 than to 2. What would be a good approximation?

5 Strategy #2... Use a calculator! 
But, of course, you must be able to do both on a test!

6 We call these 2 numbers ‘benchmarks’.
Example #1 Determine an approximate value of each square root. We call these 2 numbers ‘benchmarks’. close to 9 close to 4 ~ What does this mean?

7 Of course, you can always use a calculator to CHECK your answer!
Example #2 Determine an approximate value of each square root. Your benchmarks! 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.25 0.36 Of course, you can always use a calculator to CHECK your answer!

8 Unit 1 Assignment 2 p. 18 #4abcd, 5abc, 6, 7abcd, 11aceg, 13, 15, 16, 20

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