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Opportunities for Academic Public Health

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities for Academic Public Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities for Academic Public Health
Dr Jennifer Mindell Educational Supervisor, UCL Dept. Epidemiology & Public Health, UCL 24th September 2009

2 Introduction to the day
Welcome Types of academic posts and attachments Specialty training in London / KSS Which post is right for me? How do I get it? Range of locations in London / KSS Final words Networking

3 Types of academic posts and attachments
NIHR (Walport) Academic Clinical Fellows NIHR (Walport) Clinical Lecturers Attachment during general public health training Attachment during Academic F2 / SEM / GP training

4 NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows
Purpose Start specialist training in Public health (ST1) Spend 25% of time in academe Apply for PhD funding or post-doc fellowship

5 NIHR Clinical Lecturers
Purpose Complete specialist training in Public health (ST2+) Spend 50% of time in academe Build CV as independent researcher / educator Apply for Post-doc fellowship or senior lecturer post

6 Attachment during general public health training
Purpose Continue specialist training in Public health (ST3+) Spend a period of time in academe To fill gaps in CV eg obtain publications To meet missing RITA competencies eg complex data handling Taster session for academic work Apply for PhD funding

7 Attachment during Academic F2 / GP training / Sports & Exercise Medicine
Purpose Spend a period of time in academe Taster session for academic work Taster session for public health / epidemiology To meet missing RITA competencies eg data handling To fill gaps in CV eg obtain publications

8 Which post is right for me – and how do I get it?

9 NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows

10 Academic Clinical Fellows: Content of post
Masters – usually in PH at LSHTM or Imperial 25% academic / 75% NHS PH training Pass Part A MFPH Writing papers, presenting research, teaching Fellowship application

11 Academic Clinical Fellows - Eligibility
Must be medically qualified and registered with the GMC Must be eligible for general public health training At least 12 months post-reg supervised clinical work (eg F2) Meet Foundation competencies or evidence of equivalent ‘good enough’ to be accepted onto the general PH training scheme Can have a PhD or MD if not already on PH training But not always eligible – need to check Can be an existing PH trainee if no PhD / MD

12 Academic Clinical Fellows What we’re looking for
Evidence of academic achievement Prizes, awards, degrees Evidence of research ability / potential publication(s), especially peer-reviewed papers presentation(s) at national conferences Evidence of numeracy and literacy Evidence of interest in PH / Epidemiology / Health service research Understanding of the posts

13 ACFs – Who should NOT apply
Those with no interest in or aptitude for an academic career Those who do not wish to undertake a PhD or MD The general public health training provides opportunities to obtain all the relevant knowledge and skills for public health work. Do not apply for an ACF post in the mistaken belief that it is needed to pass MFPH or to acquire all PH specialist training competencies.

14 ACFs – then what? Obtain PhD funding
Temporarily leave the training scheme while working for PhD (OOP-R) Decide don’t want / not suited academic career Change to fully on general public health training scheme (give notice) PhD funding not (yet) obtained Change to fully on general public health training scheme until CCT or funding arrives or further application successful

15 Recruitment: ACFs ACF posts to start August 2010
Imperial x3 LSHTM x1 UCL x1: EPH (None in UCL IPH nor King’s this time) Advertised BMJ & Deanery website 2 Nov 09; closing date 4 Nov 09; interviews ?18 Dec09 Application pack will be on London Deanery website: follow link to Specialist Training (I’m guessing)

16 NIHR (Walport) Clinical Lecturers

17 NIHR (Walport) Clinical Lecturers: Content
Complete PhD/MD if not already obtained 50% academic / 50% NHS PH training Pass Part B MFPH if not already obtained Writing papers, presenting research, teaching Fellowship application Posts approved: Imperial: 1 pa 2006 – 2010: UCL: 1 pa 2006 – EPH or IPH King’s: 1 pa 2009 & 2010

18 Training in another clinical specialty
The UCL clinical lecturer post will be 50% academic public health / clinical epidemiology / health services research or infectious diseases epidemiology The 50% NHS specialist training can be undertaken in public health OR may be able to be undertaken in another clinical specialty, subject to funding

19 NIHR Clinical Lecturers: Eligibility
Must: be medically qualified and registered with the GMC have PhD or MD or be within 6mths of submission have spent at least 12 months on a specialist training scheme have passed 1st part of Faculty or relevant Royal College exam

20 Recruitment: Clinical lecturers
Each medical school advertises separately: UCL: 2009 & 2010 posts not yet advertised Imperial: 2009 & 2010 posts not yet advertised King’s: Adverts in BMJ Application pack on London Deanery website or from medical school

21 Attachment during general public health training

22 Attachment during general public health training
Duration and content of attachment by agreement Open to all trainees on general PH training scheme, if appropriate Can be used by non-medics to have support for PhD funding applications Mostly used by people intending NHS career Any academic PH dept in London / KSS

23 Attachment during general public health training
Informal discussion between the trainee, current trainer, potential project supervisor and educational supervisor what the trainee wants / needs to achieve what opportunities are available Attachments can only be formally arranged and agreed by the Training Programme Director Generally for 12 months but can be shorter (occasionally longer)

24 Recruitment to general public health training scheme
For both medics and non-medics January 2010 Via Deaneries (no MTAS) Advertised ?BMJ ?HSJ and on London Deanery website National assessment centres prior to shortlisting for interview

25 Attachment during Academic F2 / SEM / GP training

26 Attachment during Academic F2 / SEM / GP training
Similar to attachments during general PH training but generally shorter and doing simpler work Need to make contact and plan in advance to identify suitable project / time / supervisor

27 Recruitment: Attachments
Speak to your TPD and to us

28 Recruitment: General If you don’t apply, you won’t be appointed
But don’t apply for posts you’re not suited for or don’t want If you don’t follow the instructions, it will make life difficult (eg application form vs CV) To be shortlisted: You must meet all the essential criteria You need evidence of some of the ‘desirables’ If you don’t tell us on the form, we won’t know GOOD LUCK!

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