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Test muscles of the limbs

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1 Test muscles of the limbs
Thursday Anatomický ústav 2. LF UK, 2008

2 1. M. teres minor origin

3 2. M. infraspinatus insertion

4 3. M. deltoideus function

5 4. M. biceps brachii innervation

6 5. M. flexor pollicis longus

7 6. M. flexor digitorum profundus

8 7. M. abductor pollicis longus

9 8. M. adductor pollicis function

10 9. M. semimembranosus origin

11 10. M. gracilis insertion

12 11. M. adductor magnus innervation

13 12. M. adductor longus function

14 13. M. flexor digitorum longus

15 14. M. flexor digitorum brevis

16 15. M. flexor hallucis longus

17 16. M. abductor hallucis function

18 17. N. ulnaris innervates (write 3 muscles):

19 18. N. peroneus (fibularis) profundus innervates (write 3 muscles):

20 19 20

21 21 23 22

22 24 25

23 26. Draw and describe picture CROSS – SECTION OF THE THIGH
Timeleft 6 min

24 26. Draw and describe picture CROSS – SECTION OF THE THIGH
Timeleft 2 min

25 26. Draw and describe picture CROSS – SECTION OF THE THIGH
Timeleft 1 min

26 Correct answers 1. angulus inferior scapulae
2. tuberculum majus humeri 3. abduction in shoulder joint 4. n. musculocutaneus 5. radius 6. phalanx distalis 2.-5. 7. n. radialis 8. adduction of the thumb 9. tuber ischiadicum 10. pes anserinus (med. condyl of tibia) 11. n. obturatorius + n. ischiadicus !!!! Both of them!!! 12. adduction of the thigh/hip joint 13. tibia 14. base of the middle phalanx 2.-5. 15. n. tibialis 16. abduction of the big toe 17. 3 muscles innervated with n. ulnaris 2 points 18. 3 muscles innervated with n. peroneus (fibularis) profundus points 19. n. musculocutaneus 20. m. coracobrachialis 21. m. flexor pollicis brevis – caput superficiale 22. m. interosseus dorsalis I. 23. m. flexor digiti minimi 24. m. flexor digitorum longus - tendons 25. m. abductor hallucis 26. picture – cross-section of the thigh 3 points complete p only muscles p only picture without description p great mistakes, missing importatnt structures 0 p

27 Evaluation Each question is for 1 point, only q. No for 2 points, picture 1-3 points. Maximum point number is 30 points. Evaluation scale A 30 – 28 B 27 – 25 C 24 – 21 D 20 -

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