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ACCE Tele-Town Hall Meeting Mega-Trends for chambers 2011

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1 ACCE Tele-Town Hall Meeting Mega-Trends for chambers 2011
Mick Fleming, President March 31, 2011

2 da Plane Boss, The Plane IA, AZ, SC, MO, CA, MS, FL, PA, NJ, NC, TX, CO, IN, NY It’s about more than collecting post cards.

3 First, the commercials Convention 2011 Los Angeles: ACCESS!
The Plan & the Campaign Building the Information Office Clearinghouse Social Media Groups New Opportunity Partnerships thru ACCE Free, no-obligation retirement plan evaluation/comparison

4 The “Regular” Trends . . . Yes, they still matter
Balancing Budgets Membership Policy Priorities Event Design & Attendance Sponsorship Political Landmines Media Relations Social Media’s Rocky Advance Economic Development Methods & Results

5 Today, Grand Observations (and Gross Generalizations)
The Context: COG: The Policy Debate of Our Generation Government In the Economy International Influence Demographics The Work: The Volunteers Are Back Is The Good? Impatience & Turnover The Business Model Money & Politics Communications Revolution

6 The Cost of Government State Budget Train wrecks Collective Bargaining
Federal Deficit Posturing Citizen & Interest Group Expectations Specific Issues as Thru COG Lens Immigration Energy & Environment Healthcare Business Taxes Econ Dev Incentives War & Diplomacy The Context

7 Government In the Economy
Every major project is public-private Governments (and quasi) as largest employers in MOST communities Government as largest customer Selecting winners and losers through TARP, but also every day (green, BRAC, etc) The Context

8 International Influence
EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Japanese retirees own our bonds Brazilians are buying up Miami condos North African oil & Egyptian cotton supplies Largest US trading block is EU Global TV market for NFL part of negotiations The Context

9 Demographics Pyramids and rectangles Millennial issue
Boomers aren’t going away Boards: Too white? Too old? Too dull? The Context

10 Mega trends – The work

11 Volunteers Return Relationship between vols and pros still changing – ways they are playing is different Recession, local economies, urgency of policy action and organizational struggles have has brought volunteers back Re-engagement a good thing I think The Work

12 Impatience At All Levels
Members impatient for relevant programs Boards impatient with pace of org progress Staffs impatient with unavailable volunteers Pols impatient with slow chamber consensus Sponsors impatient with slow ROI The Work

13 Money and Politics Soft money & national money playing at state/local levels – chambers in the middle Posturing by local pols who have ambitions Open source fundraising can make many others more influential than the chamber The Work

14 Communications Revolution
Long Tail theory more at play than ever Newspaper desperation for readers Biz Journal morphing affecting your program Open-source world and Chamber exclusivity Social media limitations more evident The Work

15 Chamber Business Model
Membership numbers level off – Is that enough? Health plans in the long term Campaign/pledge style funding (deliverables) The Exclusivity thing The Work thing Exceptional funding becoming normal M & A options on the table The Work

16 If it ain’t broke, break it?
The message If it ain’t broke, break it?

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