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Anime Club Anime Club has a meeting on Monday September 26th in the Media Center at 2:30. Bring club contracts to the meeting. Contracts in available.

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Presentation on theme: "Anime Club Anime Club has a meeting on Monday September 26th in the Media Center at 2:30. Bring club contracts to the meeting. Contracts in available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anime Club Anime Club has a meeting on Monday September 26th in the Media Center at 2:30. Bring club contracts to the meeting. Contracts in available in room 608 Students that are interested, are still welcome to join us!

2 Aviation Explorer Program
If you're interested in aviation or a career in aviation and at least 15 years old, see Ms. Glover in 805 to learn more about the Aviation Explorer Program and Open House.

3 It will be held in the school cafeteria on September 30th from 6-8.
College Readiness Multicultural Club and Spanish National Honors Society bring the College and University Readiness Program. It will be held in the school cafeteria on September 30th from 6-8. This is a great chance to get help with college applications and financial aid.

4 Help Wanted Do you have a positive attitude, enjoy working as a team, working with older adults, and getting paid? The Gardens of Taylor Glen are hiring 3 part time servers to join their team. See Ms. Glover in 805 for more info.

5 PreACT Testing PreACT will be administer on October 12th. PreACT Pre-Coding will be held on October 5th for all 10th Graders.

6 Hispanic Heritage Dinner
Celebrating Diversity and Multiculturalism in our community come to celebrate with us our Hispanic Heritage month. This event is open to all at the cafeteria on October 27th from 5-8 for 5 dollars.

7 Tickets are $5 @ lunch and $7 @ the door
Homecoming The Mystery of Robinson Homecoming Dance is September 23rd in the commons area. Tickets are lunch and the door

8 Homecoming Court Practice
There will a practice for the Homecoming Court on the football field today at 2:30. This is MANDATORY and it is for all homecoming representatives.

9 JROTC Drill Team & Exhibition Team tryouts are every Wednesday after school. Saber Team tryouts are every Tuesday. Color Guard tryouts are every Thursday. All active and reserve cadets may try out. Tryouts will be from 2:30-3:30.

10 There will be a Key Club meeting tomorrow in the media center.
This meeting will be the final day to turn in fall rally money- no exceptions!!

11 King of the Court Sign up to play at KOTC. There will be only one senior and junior team from Jay Rob. All sign up information due by September 23rd. If need be, tryouts will be on September 28th. The games will be held at Hickory Ridge this year.

12 Beef and Broccoli Bowl with Rice Penne Pasta with Meat Sauce
Lunch Menu Beef and Broccoli Bowl with Rice Penne Pasta with Meat Sauce Texas Toast Steamed Broccoli Veggies with Dip Chilled Peaches Grapes Fiesta Bar

13 10 percent of proceeds go toward our school’s marching band.
Tonight is our Marching Band Fundraiser at Chik Fli-A at the location on 29 in Concord. 10 percent of proceeds go toward our school’s marching band.

14 National Art Honor Society
We will have an interest meeting today for students who qualify. ALL MEMBERS FROM LAST YEAR WILL NEED TO RE-APPLY. Applications are available in room 822. There is a 10 dollar fee to join.

15 Picture Day Picture day for all 9th-11th graders is Tuesday, September 27th. Schedules are posted in the commons. Picture forms went home in 2nd period and are available in the main office.

16 PSAT The PSAT is October 19th.  Sign-ups are in guidance.  Students who have or are taking Math II.  Juniors must take the PSAT to be entered into the National Merit Scholars competition.

17 The meeting with be Thursday, September 22nd in room 409.
Softball There will be an interest meeting for anyone wanting to play softball this year. The meeting with be Thursday, September 22nd in room 409. The meeting should only be a few minutes.

18 Spanish National Honor Society
The Spanish National Honors Society and the Multicultural Club invites you to the first interest meeting to learn different international dances. This meeting is tomorrow in room 302.

19 Technology Experience Day
Get hands on experience in the technology programs at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College by developing your own app, work with sheet metal, print your own 3D model and more! RCCC's Technology Experience Day will be this Saturday, September 24th. See Ms. Glover in 805 for more info.

20 Tri M Music All members of Tri-M Music Honor Society MUST pay their dues to Mrs. Howard by Friday, September 23rd. You should also bring your signed permission form.

21 Trunk or Treat International Thespian Society is hosting a Trunk or Treat Fall Festival Food Drive in the Commons on October 26th. If you or your club is interested in sponsoring a table see Mrs. Platek in 912.

22 Yearbook Senior picture make-ups are Monday, October 3rd by appointment only in room 309.

23 Yearbook 1. Biggest Rowdie: Dylan Toledano
The results -- I will also you a more read-able list: 1. Biggest Rowdie: Dylan Toledano 2. Biggest Rowdie: Paige Manzi 3. Best All Around: Daniel Rosales 4. Best All Around: Meghan Oszakiewski 5. Class Clown: Jay Mason 6. Class Clown: Rebecca Mangan 7. Class Flirt: Kyeem Sims 8. Class Flirt: Victoria Hinson 9. Best Smile: Cam Smith 10. Best Smile: Cheyenne Downs

24 Yearbook 11. Most Athletic: Lavar Batts
12. Most Athletic: Chemaiya Jordan 13. Most Artistic: Seth Horne 14. Most Artistic: Alexa Codispoti 15. Social Media Star: Bryce Vanhook 16. Social Media Star: Lindsay Trapp 17. Always Dancing: Austin Mathews 18. Always Dancing: Karly Stanley 19. Next Albert Einstein: Kyle Moran 20. Next Albert Einstein: Calista Sheriff 21. Biggest Bromance: Pablo Sollecito and Matthew Cauble 22. Should’ve been sisters: Mya’ Gray & Symira Squires

25 Yearbook 23. Best to bring Home to Mom & Dad: Joe Tolone
24. Best To Bring Home To Mom & Dad: Hayley Lowder 25. M.L.T.B. Late to Own Graduation: RJ Steele 26. M.L.T.B. Late to Own Graduation: McKenna Urbanski 27. Tallest: Clay Dean 28. Shortest: Caitlyn Johnson 29. Senior Sweethearts (cutest couple): Justin Allemby & Amanda Byrne 30. Worst Case of Senioritis: Jacob Black 31. Worst Case of Senioritis: Emily Kronk 32. Most Musical: Andrew Krug 33. Most Musical: Emily Patrala 34. Funniest Laugh: Zavier Shipp 35. Funniest Laugh: Sydney Romano

26 Yearbook 36. M.L.T. Travel the World: Wesley Cook
37. M.L.T. Travel the World: Sarah DeArmon 38. M.L.T. Drive a tractor to school: Cameron Thomas 39. M.L.T. Drive a tractor to school: Katlin Sollechier 40. Always at cookout: Jaylen Govan 41. Always at cookout: Alea Hammer 42. Class Colors: Maroon & Gold 43. Class Flower: Cherry Blossom 44. Class Motto: Life is a Pickle 45. Song: We Go Together (theme song from Grease) 46. Cast Of Grease/ Danny Zuko: Blake Furr

27 Yearbook 47. Cast Of Grease/ Sandy Olsson: Hannah Bennett
48. Cast Of Grease/ Betty Rizzo: Jade Codispoti 49. Cast Of Grease/ Frenchy: Jada Leeper 50. Cast Of Grease/ Doody: Drake Pfeiffer 51. Cast Of Grease/ Kenickie Murdoch: AJ Wetherbee 52. Cast Of Grease/ Marty Marashino: Kayla Fried 53. Cast Of Grease/ Jan: Christine Halterman 54. Cast Of Grease/ Sonny: Matthew Whaley 55. Cast Of Grease/ Putzie: Ja’siah Hunt

28 This weeks’ SPORTS

29 The Boys’ Soccer Team plays Thursday at home against Carson.

30 JV plays at Carson on Thursday.
Football JV plays at Carson on Thursday. Varsity plays Carson at home on Friday in our homecoming game.

31 Golf competes in a match today.

32 Girls’ Tennis competes in a home SPC match today.

33 Volleyball plays at home Thursday against Central.

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