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Meat-meet maid-made Homophones flour-flower blue-blew hair-hare.

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Presentation on theme: "Meat-meet maid-made Homophones flour-flower blue-blew hair-hare."— Presentation transcript:

1 meat-meet maid-made Homophones flour-flower blue-blew hair-hare

2 OBJ: Today I will use homophones in a sentence.
Standards: 1.4 - Increase sight vocabulary 1.5 -Use word reference materials to confirm decoding skills, verify spelling, and extend meanings of words

3 Essential Question How can understanding homophones help you increase
your vocabulary?

4 Homophones are words that sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings
ex. blue blew



7 A violation of the rules of a sports game.
Foul A violation of the rules of a sports game.

8 any of several birds like
Fowl any of several birds like chickens and ducks

9 A round body used in games
Ball A round body used in games

10 Bawl to cry loudly

11 to understand the meaning of
read to understand the meaning of something written

12 reed the straight stalk of any of various grasses growing in
marshy places

13 water that falls in drops
rain water that falls in drops from the sky

14 a leather strap fastened
rein a leather strap fastened to the end of a bridle

15 bough a branch of a tree

16 to bend the body or head, as in salutation
bow to bend the body or head, as in salutation

17 bawl ball rein rain read reed bow bough
The man wanted to _____ when he lost his favorite _____. bawl ball I held the ____ tightly in the pouring ___. rein rain 3. Megan will ____ a story about a ___ that grows on the riverbank. read reed 4. Take a ____ under the _____ of the Christmas tree. bow bough


19 What’s a cat’s favorite button on a DVD remote?

20 21. What’s a librarian’s favorite color?

21 24. What is ice cream’s favorite day of the week?

22 10. What type of coin smells?

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