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Presentation on theme: "The IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL HYGIENE"— Presentation transcript:

What you need to know………

2 Why is hygiene important?
Other people’s impressions of you are influenced by the way you look, and/or smell. Your appearance can also have a great impact on your self-image. You do not need beautiful features to be attractive. Your appearance is largely going to be determined by the way that you care for yourself. v. groomed, grooming, grooms 1. To care for the appearance of; to make neat and trim: groomed himself carefully in front of the mirror. 2. To clean and brush (an animal). 3. To remove dirt and parasites from the skin, fur, or feathers of (another animal). To care for one's appearance.

3 YOU must pay attention to all aspects of personal care, from head to toe!!!!!
Basic hygiene, or cleansing practices that promote good health, includes your whole body. You need to take a bath or shower every day. Soap and warm water will remove dirt, oils, and dead skin cells. This will help you feel and smell fresh. Deodorants and antiperspirants will help control body odor throughout the day.

4 Caring for your Skin…….. Your face is likely to be the first feature people notice about you. There are four skin types- 1. normal, 2. oily, 3. dry, and 4. combination. To take care of your skin properly, you will first need to determine your skin type. You will then need to find products formulated for your skin type. Another important aspect of skin care is avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun. The sun is damaging to the skin and is the leading cause of skin cancer. People of all ages and skin colors should take precautions to avoid too much sun exposure. Wearing long sleeves, pants, and hats help cover the skin. Always apply a good sunscreen to exposed skin.

5 Caring for your teeth…. Regular dental checkups and daily brushing and flossing should be part of your health routine. Brush teeth at least twice daily and floss once a day. Flossing helps reduce your risk of gum disease, lessens odors that cause bad breath, eliminates plaque between teeth, and polishes tooth areas.
 And a new study shows that good dental care can also reduce heart disease and stroke risk. Over the years evidence has mounted that shows that bacteria in the mouth that cause periodontal disease may make their way to the bloodstream and cause changes that narrow arteries supplying the brain and heart. The bacteria stimulate the immune system, and this process can then cause inflammation that can lead to blood vessel wall thickening called atherosclerosis, a major cause of stroke and heart attack. Brushing your teeth and tongue will reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth by 75 percent. Regular tooth care and frequent visits to a dentist can help prevent the progression of periodontal disease and perhaps lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.

6 Caring for your hair…. Hair care is basic to a healthy, attractive appearance. Proper shampooing, conditioning, and styling all play an important role in your appearance. Your lifestyle usually affects your choice of hairstyle. You should be able to care for your hair within a reasonable amount of time. Hair washing is a highly individualized process.


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