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3. Motorway to Maturity (2)

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Presentation on theme: "3. Motorway to Maturity (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3. Motorway to Maturity (2)
James 3. Motorway to Maturity (2) Testing of faith develops perseverance Perseverance: A strong consistency 1v3 Think, say, do what you did when you ‘felt’ love for Christ Christ was centred on the Father, not feelings Lk 22v43-46 Perseverance develops maturity 1v4 It evokes pure joy cos of its glorious destination Near-future maturity & far-future maturity Both are certain facts, if in God’s strength you keep going Mt 24v12-13, 1 Cor 1v8 Do you believe this? Jn 11v25-26

2 3. Motorway to Maturity (2)
James 3. Motorway to Maturity (2) Ask God for wisdom & then trust Him True faith under fire keeps coming back to God You KNOW there’s nowhere else to go Jn 6v66-69 Wisdom: Applying God’s knowledge to everyday life Lk 21v14-15, 1 Cor 1v21, James 1v5-8

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