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What we will do What we will learn 12Px 04 Hongongoi 2017

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Presentation on theme: "What we will do What we will learn 12Px 04 Hongongoi 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 What we will do What we will learn 12Px 04 Hongongoi 2017
Preliminaries and roll How to start well Introduce the rheostat and explore its use as: Variable resistor Potentiometer or Voltage Divider See how a 12V radio can be installed in a 24V truck without frying Potentiometer or Voltage Divider: what it is and how it is used in the auto industry & electronics Mark the HW that is due today How to stay on track for 10 Nov (129 days from now) Use Mr H’s website to access practice questions (to lift our marks) How to push our grades up. (Pushing is never easy)

2 Last Friday was Scott’s birthday
Important Notice Last Friday was Scott’s birthday

3 12PxHEN – Seating Plan Front of lab - Whiteboard

4 HW item Skills practiced Prac:4 credit internal assessment
Due Monday 12th of June 2017 All of them from the 2.1 Prac Exam Elex:P Due: Thurs 29th of June 2017 Circuits Elex:P Combinations of resistors Elex:P137 Due: Tues 4th of July 2017 Electric Field Strength Elex:P Electric Field Stength again – including Voltage and KE Elex:P145 and 146 The fundamentals of electricity: definitions of voltage and current Elex:P156 – top of P167 Due: Wed 5th of July 2017 Power in circuits and how to simplify complicated circuits.

5 Homework Marking No. of marks What for 1
Having sketches & FULL working for all Neat presentation and down-page format Answer underlined and units given Self marked and all correct – eventually In on time and signed for (“This is my own work”…….) Total A mark out of five that will contribute to the “homework” grade in the reports

6 Example: One trillion electrons are put onto a plastic ball. The ball is put into an electric field that has a strength of 200 Newtons per Coulomb (N/C). What is the force on the plastic ball? E=F/q F=E.q F=



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