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Federal and State Government

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1 Federal and State Government
MS Studies Ch. 13

2 Basic Principles of American Government
US Constitution is the Supreme law of the land The people have all the power. 3 separate branches Executive - President Legislative - Congress Judicial – Courts Each branch is limited in power and subject to “checks” by the other branches to keep from gaining to much power. US system of government is a representative one.

3 Federal Government Legislative branch US Senate
100 members – 2 from each state (50) Qualifications – 30 years old, citizen of the US for 9 years, resident of the state representing Serve 6 year unlimited terms Vice president is presiding officer of the Senate, but only real power is the ability to vote in case of a tie on bills before the Senate. House of Representatives 435 members – based on population of state Qualifications – 25 years old, citizen of the US for 7 years, resident of the state and district representing.

4 Executive Branch Powers of the Legislature
2 year unlimited terms MS has 4 districts Rankin County is in the 3rd District Powers of the Legislature Impeach Make laws and pass bills Confirmation of presidential appointments Ratifies treaties Executive Branch President is elected by popular vote and the electoral college. Power to carry out the laws enacted by Congress

5 Judicial Branch Includes the president, v-president, and Cabinet.
Numerous agencies and bureaus Qualifications for President – 35 years old, natural born citizen, and resident of the US for 14 years. 4 year terms – 2 term max or 10 years max Vice President assumes the presidency in the event the President can no longer serve for whatever reason. Judicial Branch Interpret the Constitution and laws passed by Congress. The highest court in the land is the US Supreme Court.

6 MS is in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals
Justices to the Supreme Court are appointed by the President for life. There are no specific qualifications for Supreme Court justices. Has judicial review power, which means it can decided the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress, state lawmakers, and the President. MS is in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Review decisions of lower courts Under the Appeals Court is the US District Courts These are federal courts MS is divided into Northern and Southern Districts Bankruptcy courts are in each federal district.

7 State Government MS has operated under 4 Constitutions.
1817 1832 1868 1890 This is the one we are operating under today It has be amended 120 times to keep it current State Legislative Branch Bicameral – House of Representatives and Senate 52 Senators and 122 Representatives at the state level

8 Executive Branch Legislators are elected to 4 year terms.
Presiding officers of the Senate is the Lt. Governor. Speaker of the House presides over the House of Representatives Legislative sessions occur every year starting in January 125 days when new governor 90 days regular Special sessions may be called by the Governor Executive Branch Most people in the executive branch are elected by the people at the state level

9 Governor is elected to 4 year terms and can serve 2 terms in secession
Other people in executive roles Lt. Governor Secretary of State Attorney General State Auditor State Treasurer State Judicial Branch State Courts try cases involving state law

10 Financing State Government
Courts at state level MS Supreme Court Court of Appeals Circuit Courts Chancery Courts District Attorneys are elected Serve in 22 districts of Circuit Courts Michael Guest represents Rankin county and Madison county Prosecutors that represent the state Financing State Government The primary source of income for the state is the general sales tax.

11 Second largest income for the state is income taxes.

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