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Intracranial Pediatric Tumors

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1 Intracranial Pediatric Tumors
Rekha Meesa, MD University of Michigan Neuroradiology Fellow 6/9/14

2 Introduction Childhood tumors account for 15 – 20% of primary brain tumors CNS tumors are second most common pediatric tumor, exceeded by leukemia Large studies have shown that posterior fossa tumors and supratentorial tumors occur in near equal frequency a. Supratentorial tumors more common in first two to three years of life b. Infratentorial tumors more common from ages 4 to 10 years of age. c. Both locations develop tumors with equal frequency in children older than 10 years of age

3 Introduction Symptoms of children with CNS tumors depend on age of presentation Infants: increasing head circumference, nausea, vomiting, and lethargy Children: Often same symptoms and signs. Additional symptoms include headache or decreased visual acuity and develop seizures or focal neurological signs. Tumors in the region of hypothalamus: frequently produce endocrine dysfunction such as diabetes insipidus, growth failure, or precocious puberty.

4 Discussion Posterior Fossa Tumors Brainstem Tumors
Supratentorial Tumors Sellar and Suprasellar tumors Pineal Region Tumors Lymphoma, Leukemia Metastasis Extraparenchymal Tumors

5 Posterior Fossa Tumors
Most common posterior fossa tumors of childhood: medulloblastomas, astrocytomas, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors, and ependymomas. Originate from cerebellar parenchyma and grow into the fourth ventricle

6 Medulloblastoma Highly malignant tumors
Primitive, undifferentiated small, round cells Most common posterior fossa tumor in children About two-thirds in children are located in vermis a. Anteriorly impinges upon roof of fourth ventricle and causes partial or complete obstruction to CSF flow Most often in cerebellar hemispheres for adolescents and adults

7 Medulloblastoma: Imaging appearance
Appearance is variable Tumor location and patient age – most important factors Most common appearance: a. Round, slightly lobulated mass b. Tumors most commonly situated within inferior vermis c. Restricted diffusion in solid portions d. Variable enhancement e. Common location for intracranial mets: vermian and basilar cisterns, subependymal region of lateral ventricles, subfrontal region. Drop mets – smooth enhancing coating of spinal cord or enhancing foci in extramedulary, intradural or intramedullary space

8 Medulloblastoma with leptomeningeal mets



11 Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor
Present at younger age than medulloblastomas (mean age at diagnosis is about 6 years) In the past, some of these initially diagnosed as medulloblastomas or primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) a. Lack of response to standard therapy for medulloblastomas Cerebellum most common site of origin May also arise in cerebral hemispheres, pineal region, septum pellucidum, brainstem and hypothalamus





16 Cerebellar Astrocytoma
Most common brain tumor in children ~ 40 – 50% primary pediatric intracranial neoplasms About 60% located in posterior fossa (40% in cerebellum, 20% in brainstem) About 70% of pediatric cerebellar astrocytomas are Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma ~ Grade 1 by WHO a. Peak incidence: birth to 9 years of age About 5 – 15% are anaplastic astrocytomas, more common in older children

17 Cerebellar Astrocytoma: Imaging appearance
Large vermian or hemispheric tumor a. Predominantly cystic b. Most have a tumor nodule within the cyst wall c. Mural nodule shows intense enhancement d. Enhancement of cyst wall indicates presence of tumor



20 Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytma



23 Ependymomas 8 to 12% of primary CNS neoplasms in children
8 to 15% of posterior fossa tumors in children Frequency decreases with age 70% are infratentorial and about 30% are supratentorial Two age peaks: a. First between 1 and 5 years b. Second in mid-fourth decade

24 Ependymomas Arise from differentiated ependymal cells that line floor and roof of fourth ventricle Can also arise from ependymal cell rests Frequently grow out of fourth ventricle and into surrounding cisterns and foramina 15% extend into cerebellopontine angles through foramina of Luschka 60% extend through foramina of Magendie into cisterna magna, foramen magnum and cervical spinal canal About 20% very soft and deformable, tend to grow through ventricular wall and adhere to surrounding brain Subarachnoid seeding rare…when present, may represent an anaplastic ependymoma or ependymoblastoma






30 Hemangioblastomas Relatively rare, benign tumors of vascular origin
Less than 20% occur in children 10% associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease a. Retinal angiomas, multiple cysts or tumors involving pancreas, liver, kidney and lung Occur most commonly in cerebellar hemispheres Spinal cord lesion common associated with syringomyelia Most common MR appearance: Cystic mass with a vascular mural nodule. 30 – 40% are solid



33 von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)

34 Other tumors of Posterior Fossa and Skull Base
Meningiomas Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis Chordomas Chondrosarcomas

35 Chordoma Rare bone tumor
Arises from remnants of cranial end of primitive notochord 35% intracranial, usually clivus a. Principal location: sphenooccipital synchondrosis b. Other locations: basisphenoid and basiocciput 50% sacrococcygeal 15% from vertebral body


37 Chondrosarcoma of the petroclival fissure
Extremely rare Often in paramedian basisphenoid synchrondrosis Slow-growing. CT: chondroid matrix mineralization in less than 50% of cases MRI: heterogenous signal in about 60% cases Matrix mineralization, fibrocartilaginous elements, or both


39 Brainstem Tumors 15% of all pediatric CNS tumors
Account for 20 – 30% of infratentorial brain tumors Peak incidence: between 3 and 10 years of age but can be seen at any age Separated into at least four major categories: a. Medullary tumors b. Pontine tumors c. Mesencephalic tumors d. Tumors associated with Neurofibromatosis 1

40 Further separations made: focal and diffuse tumors
Majority are astrocytic tumors a. Focal dorsally exophytic tumors and markedly enhancing ones are pilocytic astrocytomas (low grade 1 or II). b. Diffuse, infiltrating type tumors are fibrillary astrocytomas (grade III or IV)

41 Medullary Tumors Least common site of origin for tumors of brainstem
Young children, signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure Cranial neuropathies, may eventually develop hemiparesis or quadriparesis Two major categories: a. Focal dorsally exophytic medullary tumors – sharply marginated masses, originate dorsal aspect of medulla. Can extend into vallecula and cisterna magna. b. Diffuse medullary tumors – infiltrative neoplasms, extend rostrally into pons or caudally into cervical spinal cord. Imaging: Histologically: pilocytic astrocytomas Low attenuation on CT and very bright on T2 MR images. Inconsistently enhance

42 Pontine Tumors Most common location of tumors originating in the brainstem Classic presentation: cranial nerve palsies, pyramidal tract signs and cerebellar dysfunction Prognosis is poor with 5 year survival rate of about 10% with optimal therapy. Depends on location and aggressiveness of tumor Diffuse pontine gliomas: high-grade fibrillary gliomas, extremely poor prognosis More focal, smaller tumors: better prognosis

43 Diffuse Pontine gliomas
Infiltrative masses with expansion of the Pons: majority of pontine gliomas Hypodense on CT, hypointense on T1 MR images, hyperintense on T2 and FLAIR images No definite enhancement is seen Anterior growth results in engulfment of basilar artery

44 Courtesy of Hemant Parmar, MD

45 Courtesy of Ellen Hoeffner, MD

46 Courtesy of Ellen Hoeffner, MD

47 Focal Pontine Tumors Uncommon ~ 10% of pontine tumors
Can be located anywhere within the Pons Post contrast images demonstrate herterogeneous enhancement

48 Mesencephalic Tumors Focal Diffuse Tectal

49 Mesencephalic Tumors Midbrain second most common site in brainstem
Focal and diffuse tumors Focal midbrain tumors: a. treated surgically b. Focally enlarge affected area. Midline or eccentric c. Low attentuation on CT, high on T2 images. d. Post contrast: ring enhancement when tumor is small. Larger tumors show homogeneous enhancement Diffuse midbrain tumors: a. Uncommon b. Little mass effect, minimal enhancement c. Chemotherapy/radiation

50 Mesencephalic Tumors Tectal Tumors (tectal gliomas)
a. Extremely benign b. Typically treated only by CSF diversion, unless tumor growth is documented c. Serial/sequential neuroimaging studies are obtained to look for growth.



53 Brainstem Tumors associated with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
NF1 patients have high incidence of brain tumors with brainstem being a common site of involvement Medulla most common site Asymptomatic Only some show radiological and clinical progression Some regress Current recommendation: only ones that exhibit rapid or unrelenting growth should have intervention

54 Supratentorial Tumors
More common than infratentorial lesions in children less than 2 years and older than 10 years Neonates: Teratoma Infants: Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors, ependymomas, desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma and primitive neuroectodermal tumors

55 Hemispheric Astrocytomas
Astrocytomas: most common type of cerebral hemispheric tumor in childhood Pilocytic Astrocytomas, Astrocytomas, Anaplatic Astrocytmas, Glioblastomas Hemispheric astrocytomas: similar to cerebellar astrocytomas – solid with a necrotic center or cystic with a mural nodule Most have a low histologic grade but poorer prognosis than JPAs Location: deep cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia or thalamus

56 Astroblastoma Large, hemispheric solid and cystic mass
Often in cerebral hemispheres Differential Diagnoses a. Ependymoma b. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor c. Atypical Teratoid-Rhabdoid Tumor d. Oligodendroglioma



59 Glioblastoma Multiforme
WHO grade IV 2 types: primary and secondary (degeneration from lower grade astrocytoma) Peak: years, can occur at any age Imaging: heterogeneous, hyperintense tumor with infiltration/vasogenic edema Treatment: biopsy/tumor debulking followed by radiation therapy.



62 Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytomas
Tumors occur in 5 – 15% of patients with tuberous sclerosis Grade 1 astrocytomas by WHO Location: Wall of the lateral ventricle near foramina of Monro and produce hydrocephalus due to obstruction at foramen Believe to arise from subependymal hamartomas , part of tuberous sclerosis complex





67 Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
Common in young patients Often arise peripherally in cerebral hemispheres, involve meninges, good prognosis Temporal lobe is the most common site (50%) followed by parietal lobe (15 – 20%), frontal lobe (10%) and occipital lobe (5%-10%) On imaging: a. well circumscribed peripheral temporal lobe mass b. Solid portion enhances homogeneously c. Minimal or absent vasogenic edema

68 Neuronal and Mixed Neuronal-Glial Tumors
Nerve cells and glial cells (astrocytes) are present Gangliogliomas and Gangliocytomas: uncommon tumors - 3% of brain tumors in children, 6% supratentorial pediatric brain tumors Older children and young adults Imaging: low density, well-circumscribed lesion with little mass effect or edema, typically within periphery of hemisphere. Solid, cystic, cystic with mural nodule, or many small cysts



71 Desmoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumors
Desmoplastic Infantile Gangliogliomas (DIG) Desmoplastic Astrocytomas of Infancy (DACI) a. Astrocytic and ganglionic cells with desmoplastic stroma Characterized by presence of astrocytic and ganglionic cells Usually present in infancy with macrocephaly or partial complex seizures Imaging: large tumor arising in cerebral hemispheres - Cysts are quite large, involvement of multiple lobes is common with predilection for frontal and parietal lobes. - Peripheral solid component is present which enhances markedly after administration of contrast




75 Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET)
Benign masses of cerebral cortex – present as partial complex seizure disorders in children or young adults DNETs cause as many as 20% of cases of medically refractory epilepsy in children and young adults Due to marked variability in imaging appearance the best diagnostic criteria for DNET are: a. Partial seizure disorder beginning before age of 20 years b. No neurologic deficit or a stable congenital deficit c. Cortical tumor location




79 Supratentorial Ependymomas
Comprise between 20 – 40% of childhood ependymomas Occur in males more commonly than females Histologically identical to infratentorial ependymomas Half the cases have small foci of calcification. Cystic areas common in larger lesions. Supratentoiral tumors uncommonly intraventricular Most common locations: parietal and temporoparietal regions MRI: major characteristics are heterogeneity and peritrigonal location

80 Tumors with Neuroblastic or Glioblastic Elements: Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor
Highly cellular tumors composed of greater than 90% to 95% undifferentiated cells Histologically similar to medulloblastomas, pineoblastomas, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors and peripheral neuroblastomas Uncommon tumors Comprise less than 5% of supratentorial neoplasms in children, commonly seen in children under age of 5 years

81 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
Frequently occur in deep cerebral white matter Usually quite large at time of presentation Sharp margins Necrotic areas and foci of calcification are seen Typical MR appearance: a. Large, sharply marginated mass b. Can be located in either cerebral hemisphere or lateral ventricle c. Imaging appearance is variable: Solid to cystic appearance, homogeneous to markedly heterogeneous to a rim of solid tumor surrounding central necrosis

82 Other tumors Medulloepithelioma
Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors of Infancy and Childhood Oligodendroglioma Hamartomas Plasma Cell Granulomas

83 Oligodendroglioma


85 Germ Cell Tumors While most found in the suprasellar and pineal regions, siginificant number 4 – 14% arise in basal ganglia and thalami MRI: heterogeneous, poorly marginated tumors, round or lobulated, little mass effect

86 Meningioangiomatosis
Rare, benign hamartomatous lesions, can be seen in association with NF2 Involves cerebral cortex and often overlying leptomeninges Pathologically: cortical meningovascular fibroblastic proliferation and leptomeningeal calcification Imaging: CT: peripheral hyperdense mass with edema in the adjacent white matter. Calcifications and cysts may be present MRI: heterogeneous masses, iso- to hypointense compared to gray matter on T1-weighted images and hypointense with hyperintense periphery on T2-weighted images. Demonstrate heterogeneous enhancement

87 Sellar and Suprasellar Tumors
Craniopharyngioma Astrocytoma/Germ Cell tumors Langerhans cell histiocytosis Hypothalamic hamartoma Arachnoid cyst Suprasellar pituitary adenoma Rathke cleft cyst Lymphocytic hypohysitis Granuloma Medulloepithelioma

88 Chiasmatic/Hypothalamic Astrocytomas and Optic Nerve Tumors
Gliomas of optic chiasm enlarge and involve hypothalamus Astrocytomas in hypothalamus grow anteriorly or inferiorly to involve chiasm. Astrocytomas of optic chiasm and hypothalamus make up 10 – 15% of supratentorial tumors in children. Most common symptom of diminished visual acuity Optic atrophy and endocrine dysfunction are also seen

89 Suprasellar Glioma



92 Chiasmatic/Hypothalamic and Optic Nerve tumors
About 20 – 50% of patients with astrocytomas of optic chiasm/hypothalamus have clinical evidence or positive family history of NF1. When optic nerve is involved, affected nerve expands in a fusiform fashion Tumors originating within the optic nerve grow very slowly and histologically classified as juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas. Optic pathway tumors may involute spontaneously Growth potential of pilocytic astrocytomas decreases progressively with age Tumors originating in optic chiasm and hypothalamus may have higher histologic grade

93 Craniopharyngioma Remnants of craniopharyngeal duct
Arise anywhere along pituitary stalk, from floor of third ventricle to pituitary gland Account for 3% of intracranial tumors (15% of supratrentorial tumors and 50% of suprasellar tumors in children) Incidence peaks between 10 and 14 years of age, second peak in fourth to sixth decades of life

94 Craniopharyngioma Divided into two histologic types: adamantinomatous and papillary types Adamantinomatous types: a. Lobulated masses with multiple cysts often encase the vessels of the Circle of Willis b. Commonly calcify and more likely involve the hypothalamus Papillary craniopharyngiomas a. Often present in adults b. Predominantly solid, originate mostly in sella

95 Frequently suprasellar in location
90% will have a cystic component, 90% will be partially calcified and 90% enhance Differential Diagnosis: a. Rathke cleft cysts b. Hemorrhagic Pituitary adenomas




99 Hypothalamic Hamartomas
Rare congenital malformation, composed of normal neuronal tissue Located in region between mamillary bodies and tuber cinereum of hypothalamus Boys > girls Common presenting symptoms: a. Precocious puberty b. Epilepsy – gelastic type (“laughing seizures”)

100 Hypothalamic Hamartomas
Well-defined round to oval masses, project from floor of third ventricle into suprasellar or interpeduncular cistern Imaging: a. CT: Isodense to brain tissue b. MRI: heterogeneous on T1 and T2 images c. No enhancement on post contrast images


102 Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis
Most common intracranial manifestation: pituitary stalk involvement Diabetes insipidus develops, presents in 5% of patients with LCH at presentation. Starts with development of granulomas in subarachnoid space, with subsequent invasion of hypothalamus and infundibulum Pituitary Stalk and hypothalamus: a. Mild thickening of infundibulum to frank hypothalamic mass b. Differential diagnosis: germ cell tumors, lymphocytic hypophysitis, lymphoma, and granulomatous diseases (tuberculosis and sarcoidosis)

103 Pediatric Pituitary Tumors
Uncommon Pituitary Macroadenomas more common than microadenomas

104 Rathke Cleft Cysts Epithelium-lined cysts
Arise primarily in sella turcica and contain mucoid material Thought to derive from remnants of Rathke’s pouch Maybe embryologically related to craniopharyngiomas May produce symptoms by compression of pituitary gland or suprasellar structures Imaging: a. CT: round or lobulated intra- or suprasellar mass with attenuation values similar to CSF b. MRI: sharply defined mass, usually lies between anterior and posterior pituitary lobes, or anterior to the pituitary stalk. Variable signal intensity and no enhancement. c. Can become infected, leading to a pituitary abscess.

105 Courtesy of Ashok Srinivasan, MD

106 Courtesy of Hemant Parmar, MD

107 Pituitary Apoplxey a. Acute clinical syndrome with headache,
visual defects, altered mental status b. Hemorrhage or infarction of pituitary gland c. Pre-existing pituitary macroadenoma Diff Dx: a. Pituitary macroadenoma b. Craniopharyngioma c. Rathke cleft cyst



110 Lymphocytic Hypohysitis
Autoimmune inflammatory infiltration of pituitary gland by lymphocytes and plasma cells Leads to destruction of gland Two forms a. Adenophypophysitis – anterior pituitary gland b. Infundibuloneurohypophysitis – primarily posterior pituitary gland, infundibulum and hypothalamus MRI: Enlarged hypothalamus, infundibulum, and pituitary gland.

111 Suprasellar Germ Cell Tumors
Originate in hypothalamus and grow into infundibulum a. Cause diabetes insipidus Germinomas, most common histological type Imaging characteristics vary a. Small: thickening of infundibulum and uniformly enhancing after administration of contrast b. Large: homogeneous masses of gray matter attenuation – uniformly enhance after contrast adminstration



114 Pineal Region Masses Germ Cell Tumors Germinomas Choriocarcinoma
Embryonal Cell Carcinoma Endodermal Sinus Tumors Pineal Parenchymal Tumors Pineocytomas Pineoblastomas

115 Germinomas Most tumors are germ cell tumors
Comprise about 3% to 8% of pediatric brain tumors More common among Asian populations – 10% of pediatric brain tumors a. 65% are germinomas b. 26% are nongerminomatous (16% teratomas, 6% endodermal sinus tumors or embryonal cell carcinoma, 4% choriocarcinomas) c. 9% are mixed

116 Pineal Region Germinomas
Occur in second and third decades of life 10:1 male predominance Presentation: a. Hydrocephalus (compression of aqueduct of Sylvius) b. Parinaud syndrome (paralysis of upward gaze) due to compression of mesencephalon (midbrain) c. Metastatic spread occurs early and frequently via CSF giving the brain a sugar-coated appearance


118 Pineal Parenchymal Tumors
Pineocytomas Pineoblastomas Both arise from pineal parenchymal cells Less common than pineal germ cell tumors

119 Pineocytomas Affect both sexes equally Very rare
Mature cells, circumscribed, non-invasive, slow growing Natural history is not well defined because they are very rare a. Some remain circumscribed and non-invasive b. Others metastasize extensively

120 Pineoblastomas Primitive, small round cell tumors – highly cellular and resemble medulloblastomas Demonstrate local invasion as well as distant spread through cerebrospinal fluid More common in pediatric age group



123 Other pineal region lesions
Dermoids, Epidermoids, Teratomas Gliomas Pineal Cysts

124 Teratomas Pineal region most common site
Other sites include parapineal region or suprasellar region More common in first year of life (neonate & infant period) Pineal and suprasellar teratomas – marked male predominance Symptoms: hydrocephalus, parinaud syndrome, and hypothalamic symptoms


126 Leukemia/Lymphoma Most common finding in leukemia
a. Enlargement of ventricles and sulci Ventricular enlargements represents hydrocephalus, not atrophy Brain involvement a. CT: masses iso-hyperdense signal prior to contrast administration b. Enhance uniformly after contrast administration c. MR: slightly hypointense with respect to brain, hyperintense on FLAIR and T2 sequences with prominent enhancement.


128 Metastasis Uncommon in the pediatric population


130 Extraparenchymal Tumors
Choroid Plexus Tumors a. Choroid plexus papillomas and carcinomas rare b. Arise from epithelium of choroid plexus in both children and adults

131 Choroid Plexus Papillomas
Often found in first year of life Severe hydrocephalus Marked male predominance

132 Choroid Plexus Carcinomas
30 – 40% of choroid plexus tumors in children Children usually present within first three to five years of life Focal neurological deficits from local brain involvement Still present with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus a. Lateral Ventricle more commonly involved b. Third and fourth ventricles less commonly involved Differentiation between papilloma and carcinoma is histological


134 Extraparenchymal Tumors

135 Neurofibromatosis type 2




139 Tumors of the Meninges Uncommon in childhood
Comprise only 1 – 2% of primary brain tumors Presence of a meningioma in a child – raise suspicion for NF2. Search for other meningiomas or schwannomas Meningeal tumors of childhood (meningiomas, plasma cell granulomas, meningeal fibromas and myofibromas, meningeal sarcomas, malignant fibrous histiocytomas)



142 Embryonic Tumors Epidermoids Dermoids Enteric Cysts

143 Focal fat in the suprasellar region
Inclusion ectodermal tissue in CNS Epidermoid – squamous epithelium Dermoids – squamous epithelium and dermal appendages Differential: Lipoma, Teratoma

144 Ambien Cistern dermoid/lipoma


146 Arachnoid Cyst



149 Brain Tumors in first year of life
Histologic distribution of primary brain tumors in the first year of life is different than the entire pediatric period Most common brain tumors in the first year of life: - Teratoma - Suprasellar astrocytoma - Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors - Ependymomas - Choroid plexus tumors - Medulloblastoma - Primitive neuroectodermal tumor

150 References Barkovich, JA ‘Pediatric Neuroimaging’, fourth edition

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