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Unit 1: Science, Technology and Engineering

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1 Unit 1: Science, Technology and Engineering
Lesson 5: “The Engineering Design Process” Pg

2 Engage Your Brain How are engineers similar to scientists?

3 Essential Question By the end of this lesson you should be able to answer the following question: What is the engineering design process?

4 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering?

5 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering? The use of scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems

6 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering? The use of scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems What is the goal of engineering?

7 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering? The use of scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems What is the goal of engineering? To meet the needs of society

8 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering? The use of scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems What is the goal of engineering? To meet the needs of society What is the goal of science?

9 Comparing Goals of Science to Goals of Engineering
What is engineering? The use of scientific and mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems What is the goal of engineering? To meet the needs of society What is the goal of science? To understand the natural world

10 How is Technology Used in Scientific Investigations?
Scientists and engineers design specialized technologies for investigations that focus on things that are very big or small, or located in places that are hard to reach. What are some examples of technologies used by scientists and engineers under these circumstances?

11 How is Technology Used in Scientific Investigations?
Scientists and engineers design specialized technologies for investigations that focus on things that are very big or small, or located in places that are hard to reach. What are some examples of technologies used by scientists and engineers under these circumstances? Microscopes to study bacteria Astronomers collecting images from deep space using probes with digital cameras

12 How is Technology Used in Scientific Investigations?
What is one example of how technology used in science investigations has improved human health?

13 How is Technology Used in Scientific Investigations?
What is one example of how technology used in science investigations has improved human health? Example: Microscopes have allowed scientists to learn more about bacteria, which in turn has led to better methods of preventing and treating disease.

14 Skills Needed for Engineering Design
Reminder: The goal of engineering design is to meet people’s needs. Engineering design takes a set of skills that work together. What are these skills?

15 Skills Needed for Engineering Design
Reminder: The goal of engineering design is to meet people’s needs. Engineering design takes a set of skills that work together. What are these skills? Research skills Technical skills Thinking skills

16 Technical Skills Technical skill involves knowing how to build prototypes. What are prototypes? Special models used to test a product

17 Thinking Skills Engineers must be able to think both methodically and creatively. Why?

18 Thinking Skills Engineers must be able to think both methodically and creatively. Why? Methodical and orderly thinking is crucial in following the steps of the design process. Finding new and different ways to solve a problem requires creativity.

19 Steps of the Design Process
There are six steps in the engineering design process. What are they?

20 Steps of the Design Process
There are six steps in the engineering design process. What are they? Identifying a need Conducting research Brainstorming and selecting solutions Building a prototype Testing, evaluating and redesigning a prototype Communicating results

21 Steps of the Design Process
Is the design process usually carried out individually or in teams?

22 Steps of the Design Process
Is the design process usually carried out individually or in teams? People using the design process often work in teams.

23 1) Identifying a Need What questions do engineers ask when identifying a need?

24 1) Identifying a Need What questions do engineers ask when identifying a need? What is the problem? Who does it affect? Why must it be solved?

25 2) Conducting Research What does a design team seek to learn when conducting research?

26 2) Conducting Research What does a design team seek to learn when conducting research? They want to learn as much as they can about the specific need or problem. This includes learning about similar problems and the solutions that have been tried.

27 3) Brainstorming and Selecting Solutions
What is the goal of brainstorming and selecting solutions?

28 3) Brainstorming and Selecting Solutions
What is the goal of brainstorming and selecting solutions? To come up with as many engineering design solutions as possible

29 3) Brainstorming and Selecting Solutions
What is the goal of brainstorming and selecting solutions? To come up with as many engineering design solutions as possible How is this accomplished by the engineering design team? The team discusses all ideas The team selects the best solution

30 4) Building a Prototype Design team uses the prototype as a working model to test and evaluate how well the model works under real-life conditions

31 4) Building a Prototype Design team uses the prototype as a working model to test and evaluate how well the model works under real-life conditions What does it mean to say that a prototype is a working model?

32 4) Building a Prototype Design team uses the prototype as a working model to test and evaluate how well the model works under real-life conditions What does it mean to say that a prototype is a working model? Prototypes usually don’t work perfectly right away. They are often revised multiple times.

33 5) Testing, Evaluating, and Redesigning a Prototype
Prototypes are tested, evaluated, and redesigned over and over again until the prototype addresses the need.

34 6) Communicating Results
Notes and solutions are reported to others so they can duplicate the results.

35 Engineering Design Process
Why is it important to conduct research before brainstorming and seeking solutions?

36 Engineering Design Process
Why is it important to conduct research before brainstorming and seeking solutions? Research provides information about similar problems and their solutions; brainstorming provides many creative ideas.

37 Engineering Design Process
Why is it important to test a prototype before communicating the solution?

38 Engineering Design Process
Why is it important to test a prototype before communicating the solution? A prototype usually does not work perfectly right away and will need to be changed and/or improved.

39 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
Look at the chart on page 68.

40 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
In this chart, why do some steps have arrows pointing both to and from?

41 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
In this chart, why do some steps have arrows pointing both to and from? Sometimes it is necessary to go back and forth between the steps rather than proceeding in a straight line.

42 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
What two steps always occur in order during the design process?

43 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
What two steps always occur in order during the design process? The prototype is built, and then the prototype is evaluated, tested, and redesigned.

44 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
Why is the ability to brainstorm solutions particularly important during the engineering design process?

45 How Does the Engineering Design Process Work?
Why is the ability to brainstorm solutions particularly important during the engineering design process? Many steps in the design process can lead back to the brainstorming solutions step; the step is particularly important because it might be used many times during the development of a single solution.

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