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Journal Club M Havaei, et al. Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

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1 Journal Club M Havaei, et al. Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
“Deep learning trends for focal brain pathology segmentation in MRI” Feb 3, 2017 Jason Su

2 BRATS – Brain Tumor Segmentation
T1, T1C, T2, FLAIR BRATS 2012, 3 classes: healthy, edema and core 10/20 low/high grade glioma for training 5/11 for testing BRATS 2013 separated into 5 classes: healthy, necrosis, edema, non-enhanced, enhanced tumor BRATS 2015, 5 classes 54/220 for training, truth generated by previous years’ algorithms 53 images for testing Performance measures: dice, sensitivity, specificity, kappa, Hausdorff distance

3 ISLES – Ischemic Stroke Lesion Seg.
Started in 2015 SISS sub-acute dataset FLAIR, DWI, T2 TSE, T1 TFE 28 training, 36 testing SPES acute stroke Cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, DWI, T1C, T2, Tmax, time to peak 30 training, 20 testing Performance measures: dice, average symmetric surface distance, Hausdorff distance, recall, precision

4 MSGC – Multiple Sclerosis
Started in 2008 T1, T2, FLAIR 20 training, 23 testing from CHB and UNC Performance metrics: volume difference, surface distance, true positive rate, false positive rate

5 Old Techniques Semi-automatic Automatic
Initialize tumor contour, seed regions Automatic Anomaly detection by comparison to healthy atlas (MSmcDESPOT, multi-atlas segmentation) Machine learning A discriminative model trained on pre-defined/hand-crafted features Random forests popular (best out-of-the-box algo.) Gaussian mixture models Markov and conditional random fields for regularization of kNN or random forests

6 Deep Learning Increasingly being used in and winning MICCAI challenges
Most methods are 2D, slice by slice A typical classification CNN has many layers that aggregate data to understand the global picture However, segmentation is both a global and local task

7 TwoPathCNN – Havaei et al.
Patchwise training, given a patch around a central voxel, classify the voxel “Global” and “local” pathways Top 4 in BRATS 2015 Fully convolutional, no fully connected layers

8 “Deconvolution” or Transposed Conv.
Want to swap the input and output dimensions

9 Convolutional Encoder Network
MS lesion segmentation Encoder and decoder Encoder in valid mode Decoder in full mode Input patch -> output patch Instead of patch to one output voxel 9x9x9

10 U-Net Current state of the art Influenced by the previous
Very popular in MICCAI 2016 Works well with low data Influenced by the previous Up-conv 2x2 = bilinear up-sampling then 2x2 convolution 2D slices 3x3 convolutions

11 Misc Adaptations Multi-modality 3D
Instead of treating these as channels, process each in its own convolutional network and merge 3D Hard due to different contrasts’ resolutions 2.5D (orthogonal slices) is cheaper but no clear gain Some have done true 3D 3D version of TwoPathCNN was successful in ISLES 2015

12 Training Issues Normalization
Scaling all contrasts or vendors to the same range N3/N4 bias field or scale by CSF Truncate outliers, 1% or 0.1% quantiles Histogram normalization Zero mean, unit variance Shuffle input patches so doesn’t overtrain on one subject Unbalanced classes Sample evenly Weight loss for different classes by proportion Importance sampling

13 Other Issues Structured prediction Limited data
Patches are treated independently but shouldn’t be Model spatial dependencies Implicit, aggregate outputs through a cascaded CNN Explicit, incorporate pairwise term into loss function or smooth outputs Limited data Data augmentation Flips, rotations Nonlinear deformation Transfer learning Adapt input to 3 channels in some manner (2.5D, HDR) Train on grayscale ImageNet Unsupervised pre-training Autoencoders

14 Other Issues Missing data
Impute missing contrast with 0, the mean, or estimate from other contrasts Voting strategy Learning robust representations which are invariant to the noise introduced by the acquisition is needed

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