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The Spanish American War

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1 The Spanish American War
The Beginning of the American Empire

2 Long term Causes U.S. Business Interests
Over $50 million invested in Cuba Cuban Revolution in 1895 caused concern over our money

3 Long Term Causes Humanitarian
Brutal Spanish Tactics during the revolution sickened many Americans Spanish commander imprisoned 1000’s of civilians, many died

4 Long term causes American expansionist attitudes
Teddy Roosevelt and Henry Lodge saw opportunity to grab land from Spain, a weak nation with a large empire

5 Immediate Causes

6 Wreckage of the Maine from an undetermined explosion

7 The Maine What was the public reaction to the sinking of the Maine?
This reaction was aided by people like William Randolf Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer who published sensational and biased reports of the sinking

8 The Maine This type of journalism is called Yellow Journalism

9 Yellow Journalism How does this cartoon present the sinking of the Maine? What is the intended effect?


11 We had an inquiry into the sinking, what are we going to do to Spain?

12 What effect are cartoons like these going to have on public opinion?
Jingoism was the term given to Nationalist propaganda like these cartoons

13 Putting it together In your opinion, why did we fight the Spanish American War? Relate what the class did earlier to U.S. involvement in the Spanish American War. Homework: Ch10 section 1 guided reading. Quiz on it next class.

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