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UNIT: Just-Add-Water Technology

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT: Just-Add-Water Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT: Just-Add-Water Technology
properties of matter forces and motion transfer of energy diversity and adaptations of organisms regulation and behavior ecosystems SUMMARY – This unit provides students with a new medium to merge their understanding of concepts related to the properties of matter, forces and motion, the transfer of energy, diversity and adaptations of organisms, regulation and behavior, and ecosystems with an exploration of the technologies used to investigate the earth’s hydrosphere. During this unit of study, students will conduct research, collect data, and design an observational tool. Explore the Technologies Used to Investigate the Earth’s Hydrosphere

2 LESSON III: Observational Tool Design and Implementation
LESSON SEQUENCE LESSON I: Research Technology Web Quest ( LESSON II: Eye-in-the-Sea Activity LESSON III: Observational Tool Design and Implementation The unit is divided into 3 smaller activities. The web quest in Lesson I requires 1 – 2 computer sessions to complete. Lesson II will be reviewed in this presentation and Lesson III guides the students as they merge previous knowledge with their new technology knowledge to create an observational tool.

3 Eye-in-the-Sea Activity
The squid video will be used as my hook for the EITS Activity. The technology will be introduced….

4 Add the species being observed in this activity will be reviewed
Add the species being observed in this activity will be reviewed. Students will be paired for the Census Activity.

5 Eye-in-the-Sea Activity: DATA SHEET
Film Clip ID Number Deep-Sea Critters Total Organisms Observed Hagfish Rattail Tanner Crabs Sable fish Longspine thorny-head Pacific Sleeper Shark Finescale mora 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Students complete the Census Data Sheet while also recording characteristics about each species observed in the video clips….

6 Eye-in-the-Sea Activity: DATA SHEET
Critters PHYSICAL PHYSIOLOGICAL BEHAVIORAL NOTES Hagfish (Eptatretus deani) Rattail (Coryphaenoides acrolepis) Tanner Crabs (Chionoecetes tanneri) Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) Longspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus altvelis) Pacific Sleeper Shark (Somniosus pacificus) Finescale mora (Antimora microlepis) This information will provide them a starting point for their follow-up research project.

7 Eye-in-the-Sea Activity: ASSESSMENT
Illustrate and Describe… Deep-sea organism Niche (including depth) Global habitat Physical adaptations Physiological adaptations Behavioral adaptations Additional interesting characteristics or discoveries Data sheets and video clips will be reviewed during a class discussion and then students will be grouped (2 – 4 students/group) to conduct an investigation of one of the deep-sea critters observed in the video clips. Each group will present their findings to the class using a Power Point presentation.

8 NCLB MODIFICATIONS Provide extended time
Write a story, “A Day in the Life of “X Critter” Add music and dialog to your video clip Cladogram your critter (Predict, then Research) This activity can also be modified for varying learning levels.

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