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The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre

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1 The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre
Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Belgorodenergo Construction of OL 110 (double-circuit) overhangs at SB 110/35/10 “Maiskaya” from OL 110 “Dolbino – Dubovoe” km 21 61 2008 Construction of OL 35 “Dmitrievka – Dragunka” 25 63 2010 Construction of SB 35/10 “Razumnoe” MVA 12,6 75 Construction of SB 35/10 “Yuzhnye Korobki” 83 2009 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya – Rudnik-2” 22 76.3 2007 Construction of SB 35/10 “Gorod-1”(Valuiki city) 20 90 2011 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya –Zapadnaya” (double-circuit) 20,91 104 Construction of OL 110 “Frunzenskaya – Yuzhnaya Tsep”(double-circuit) 126 Construction of OL 110 “Chemical Plant – Maksimovka” 36,5 100 Construction of SB 110/35/10 “Maiskaya” 50 200 Construction of SB 110/35/10 “Krutoi Log” 32 Construction of SB 110/10 “Sadovaya” Bryanskenergo Construction of OL 110 kV “Tsentralnaya-Nerussa” 19 97 2012 Strengthening of electric networks of 35 kV at possible break of contacts with vigilance button 36,4 120 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Solovyi” with OL 110 kV “Mashzavod – Solovyi” branch line 965

2 The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre
Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Voronezhenergo Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Povorino" MVA 8 40 2009 Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Talovaya-poselok" 2011 Construction of OL-35 kV up to SB “Daryino" km 12 80 2010 Construction of OL-110 kV up to SB “Sputnik" 5 Construction of OL 110 kV “Liski-330-Tsementnik" 72 150 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Sputnik" with transformers 2х40 MVA 200 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Tsementnik with transformers 2х40 MVA 210 Construction of SB 35/10 kV “Daryino" with transformers 2х10 MVA 20 211 Construction of OL -110 kV fromSB-500 kV up to SB “Laboratornaya" 30 215 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Otradnoe" (Aleksandrovskaya) with transformers 2х25 MVA 50 260 Kostromaenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Davydovskaya" with overhangs of 110 kV 233 Kurskenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Privokzalnaya" with construction of the overhang from OL-110 kV “TETS-1 -Lesnaya" No. 1, No. 2 up to SB 110/10 kV “Provokzalnaya" 113 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Rodniki" with construction of overhangs from OL-110 kV “TETS-1-Sadovaya” No.1, No. 2 up to SB 110/10 kV “Rodniki" 120 Construction of 110/10 kV “Severnaya" with construction of overhangs from OL-110 kV “TETS-1-Sadovaya", “Sadovaya-Kotelnaya” up to SB 110/10 kV “Severnaya" 25

3 The largest investment projects of IDGC of Centre
Facility Unit of measurement Capacity (MVA)/ Length (km) Estimate value, RUR mn Date of input Lipetskenergo Construction of SB-35 kV Sselki village MVA 20 60 Construction of OL-35kV SB“Dobroe"-SB “Vvedenka" km 25 100 Construction of OL-110kV SB “Tsementnaya"-TETS-2 (double-circuit2х20 km) 40 126 Construction of SB “Terbunskaya" with transformers 2х25,0 MVA 50 151 Construction of SB “Uneversitetskaya" with transformers 2х25.0 MVA 191 Expansion of SB-110kV “Tsementnaya", “Dvurechki”, “Bugor",“Sitovka (with installation of compensating devices)" 80 345 Construction of SB “Manezhnaya" with transformers 2х40.0 MVA 358 Construction of SB “Romanovo" with transformers 2х63 MVA 125 Orelenergo Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Novopolevo" (expansion) 16 70 2008 Construction of SB 110/6 kV “Zavodskaya" (expansion) 2010 Construction of SB 110/35/10 kV “Pokrovskoe" (expansion) 32 140 Construction of SB 110/10 kV along Novogorskoe Avenue 160 Construction of 2 OL-110 kV “Novolopevo- Pokrovskoe" 35 170 Construction of SB 110/10 kV in the North district of Orel city 200 Construction of SB 110/10 kV “Zapadnaya"(expansion) 270 Smolenskenergo Automated systems of power commercial accounting of the regional cities ths rub. 657 Tambovenergo OL-110kV "SB No.4-SB No.5“ in Tambov city Km 15 33 Tverenergo Construction of SB 110/10 kV Yuzhnaya-2 225 2011 Yarenergo Construction of SB 35/10 kV Yaroslavl mobile substation 12,6 91 2007 Construction of SB 110/10 kV Nekouz mobile substation 105 Construction of 2 OL 110 kV from SB “Bragino” up to SB “Norskoe” ( 5 km) 5 130 Construction of SB “Kotorosl”, with transformers 2х40 MVA 195 Construction of SB “Sokol” 2х40 MVA 300

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