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Task Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Task Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Analysis

2 Task Analysis Breaking a complex behavior into its component parts
Develop sequence of steps Determine terminal behavior/skill Develop a detailed description of each component behavior List in order Must perform task to make list Assess student’s entry behavior

3 Task Analysis Prepare Kool-Aid Brushing Teeth Get spoon Get Kool-Aid
Get pitcher Get cup Put 2 scoops in pitcher Take pitcher to sink Fill pitcher to line Stir Kool-Aid Put spoon in sink Brushing Teeth Pick up toothpaste Unscrew cap Pick up toothbrush Squeeze paste on brush Place toothbrush bristles on teeth Makes brushing motions on teeth

4 Task Analysis Data Sheet
(Insert task analysis data sheet here) Determine chaining procedure Establish initial cue to start chain List special instructions Fill in criteria

5 Task Analysis Data Sheet
(Insert task analysis data sheet here) Prescribe training step Prescribe prompting level Determine trial type

6 Task Analysis Flow Chart
(insert task analysis flow chart here)

7 Behavior Chains (Stimulus-Response Chains)
A sequence of related behaviors, each of which provides the cue for the next, and the last of which produces a reinforcer Each step in a chain results in a change in the environment This change is a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior that preceded it This also becomes a discriminative stimulus for the next step in the chain

8 Development of Behavioral Chain
Antecedent Behavior (Sd) (Response) “Make Kool- Get spoon Aid” Get Kool-Aid Spoon in hand Get pitcher Kool Aid in hand Put 2 scoops in Pitcher on table pitcher Dry mix in pitcher Put in water Water and mix in Stir Kool-Aid pitcher Consequence (Conditional Response) Spoon on table Kool-Aid on table Pitcher on table Kool-Aid in pitcher Water and mix in pitcher Kool-Aid ready

9 Develop your own Task Analysis
“Can I have an Altoid?”

10 Chaining The instructional procedure of reinforcing individual responses for occurring in sequence to form a complex behavior Forward Chaining A chaining procedure that begins with the first element in the chain and progresses to the last element Backward Chaining A chaining procedure that begins with the last element in the chain and progresses to the first element

11 Prompting Prompt Fading
An antecedent that induces a person to perform a behavior that otherwise does not occur Fading Gradually reducing the strength of a prompt

12 Prompting Hierarchies
Most to least Manual guidance Light Physical

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