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The Accuracy of Diagnostic Colposcopy Using ISCCP 2011 Classification

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1 The Accuracy of Diagnostic Colposcopy Using ISCCP 2011 Classification
SUJOY DASGUPTA, Senior Resident, Department of Gynecological Oncology, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute(CNCI), Kolkata

2 International Federation of Cervical Pathology & Colposcopy 2011
General Assessment Adequate/ inadequate for the reason Squamo-columnar Junction visibility Transformation zone types 1,2,3 Normal Colposcopic Findings Original squamous epithelium: Columnar epithelium Metaplastic squamous epithelium Deciduosis in pregnancy Abnormal findings General Principles Location of the lesion: Size of the lesion: Grade 1 (Minor) Thin aceto-white epithelium Fine mosaic, Fine punctation Grade 2 (Major) Dense aceto-white epithelium, Rapid acetowhitening Coarse mosaic, Coarse punctuation Nonspecific Leukoplakia, Erosion, Lugol’s staining Suspicious for invasion Atypical vessels; Additional signs Miscellaneous findings CTZ, Condyloma, Polyp, Inflammation Stenosis, Congenital anomaly, Post treatment, Endometriosis

3 To determine the ability of the colposcopists to correctly identify the various categories of cervical neoplasia using IFCPC, 2011 terminology To determine the accurarcy of coposcopy in non-cytology based screening programme

4 Approved by CNCI Human Research Ethics Committee
STUDY DESIGN Prospective Study STUDY POPULATION Subjects participating in a community-based cervical cancer screening demonstration project Approved by CNCI Human Research Ethics Committee

5 Inclusion Criteria Non-pregnant women Age years Intact uterus Without past history of cervical precancer/ cancer

6 Cervical specimen collection
STUDY METHODOLOGY Written Informed Consent from all the participants Examination by trained health workers Cervical specimen collection for Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) (HPV DNA of 13 high-risk types) VIA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid)

VIA Positive women HC2 positive women (not having colposcopy in the field) Every 10th VIA negative Woman Colposcopy in the same sitting Recalled for colposcopy Colposcopy in the same sitting IFCPC 2011 terminology for documentation

Punch Biopsies In case of colposcopic findings of - Grade 1 or worse abnormalities - Miscellaneous findings From the worst affected areas - close to the squamo-columnar junction (SCJ) Multiple biopsies- if the lesion extends to >2 quadrants For HC2 +ve women with NORMAL colposcopy - punch biopsy taken from anterior lip

Colposcopic impressions were compared with the histological diagnosis as gold standard Histology Colposcopy Grade 1 Grade 2 Invasive L-SIL Perfect agreement H-SIL Strength of agreement was measured using the weighted kappa statistics

10 DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES of Screened Women (n = 30773)
Mean age (years) Mean age at marriage (years) Median number of pregnancies Menopausal status Pre-menopausal % Post-menopausal %

Total women screened 30773 Colposcopy done Screen positive 3178 5556 Screen negative 2378 Biopsy done 2511 Inconclusive biopsy 45 Both colposcopy and satisfactory biopsy report FINAL ANALYSIS 2466

12 Agreement in classifying cervical biopsy sample
Exact agreement between colposcopy and histology- 40.3% (993/2466) * Weighted kappa <0.6 - poor agreement >0.6 - good agreement 1.0 - excellent agreement Agreement in classifying cervical biopsy sample Weighted kappa* Impression Overall (n= 2466) 0.17 Poor VIA +ve (n = 1763) 0.12 HC2 +ve (n = 620) 0.35 'Fair'

13 AGRREEMENT (Contd.) Histo Diagnosis
Colpo Diag Histo Diagnosis Normal Misc L-SIL H-SIL Inv Total 175 (35.8%) 130 157 25 1 488 22 25 (32.4%) 24 5 77 Grade 1 420 403 688 (43.3%) 72 4 1587 Grade 2 35 41 108 75 (28%) 8 267 2 3 7 30 (63.8%) 47 654 602 982 184 44 2466

Adjusting for verification bias (IFCPC grade 1 as the threshold for referral) Performance of Colposcopy Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Value (PPV) Negative Predictive Value (NPV) Overall 84.8% 66.1% 10.3% 98.9% VIA +ve women 94.6% 23% 8.7% 98.2% HC2 +ve women 78.8% 76.7% 39.4% 94.9%


16 Advantages of those studies-
Almost all the earlier studies - conducted in colposcopy clinics where women were referred for abnormal cytology (Pap smear) Advantages of those studies- Prior knowledge of cytological abnormalities can influence colposcopic diagnosis Cytology is more specific than VIA and HC2, so less chance of False Positive Colposcopy & Histology

17 SALIENT FINDINGS Observed sensitivity to detect H-SIL+ is ≈90%, comparable to the that found in a meta-analysis of 8 longitudinal studies (60-97%) Colposcopy overestimates the severity of premalignant lesions, as seen in other studies Performs better in differentiating high grade from low grade lesions, rather than in differentiating low grade lesions from normal 25 HSIL cases did not have any colposcopic abnormality – suggesting ‘THIN CIN’

18 Accuracy of colposcopy is acceptable in non-cytology based screening using the IFCPC 2011 terminology


20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr Partha Basu Dr Ranajit Mandal Dr Pradip Das
Dr Dipanwita Banerjee Dr Priyanka Singh All the health workers of CPCI Project, CNCI

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