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Psych Disorders Jeopardy

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1 Psych Disorders Jeopardy

2 Pscyh! Pope-porri Disorders Schizophrenia 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Anti-social personality disorder
Persistent pattern of behavior of disregarding rules and the rights of others Row 1, Col 1

4 Catatonic stupor An immobile, expressionless, coma-like state associated with schizophrenia 1,2

5 Acute stress disoder This disorder is different from PTSD because it doesn’t usually last as long 1,3

6 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychological Disorders (DSM)
The American Psychiatric Association releases this most widely accepted classification system for psychological disorders 1,4

7 Paranoid Personality Disorder
People with this disorder are suspicious of the motives of others, but don’t experience the hallucinations associated with schizophrenia 2,1

8 Paranoid Schizophrenia
People with this severe psychosis experience hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, and often feel persecuted (Be specific!) 2,2

9 Conversion disorder People with this disorder experience physical symptoms of psychological trauma 2,3

10 Phobia (Phobic disorder)
An irrational fear of something out of proportion with the actual danger it represents 2,4

11 Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Someone with this disorder believes they deserve admiration; “I’m kind of a big deal.” 3,1

12 Catatonic Schizophrenia
The most obvious symptom of this disorder is behavior that may slow to a stupor and then erupt into agitated movement. 3,2

13 The opposite of a depressed mood in bipolar disorder
Mania The opposite of a depressed mood in bipolar disorder 3,3

14 anxiety A general state of fear, dread, or uneasiness. Different from fear because it is in response to an ill-defined or imagined stimulus. 3,4

15 Agoraphobia Commonly accompanies panic disorder. Fear of being in situations or places where escape is difficult; often crowds. 4,1

16 Disorganized Schizophrenia
A person with this disorder experiences hallucinations, delusions, but differs from the paranoid version because of fragmentary thought and speech. 4,2

17 Name 3 of 4 criteria for psychological disorders
Typicality, Maladaptivity, Socially Unacceptable, and Emotionally uncomfortable Name 3 of 4 criteria for psychological disorders 4,3

18 Dissociation Separation of personality components or mental processes from conscious thought 4,4

19 Generalized anxiety disorder
Excessive or unrealistic worry about life circumstances that lasts for at least six months 5,1

20 Schizophrenia This is probably a brain disorder and research indicates that a loss of synapses may be the culprit. Some sociological factors, such as a negative family environment may exacerbate the disorder 5,2

21 Hypochondria “I’m pretty sure I suffer from this psychological disorder even though doctors assure me I do not.” 5,3

22 Fugue A dissociative state in which a person might forget their previous identity and take on a new identity. 5,4

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