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Step 1 Create Database Info activity in Adeptia Server specifying the driver, URL and user credentials information for the database in which stored.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 1 Create Database Info activity in Adeptia Server specifying the driver, URL and user credentials information for the database in which stored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Execute Stored Procedure having Output Parameter and returning Result Set in Adeptia Server

2 Step 1 Create Database Info activity in Adeptia Server specifying the driver, URL and user credentials information for the database in which stored procedure exist. You can create this activity by navigating to Administer  Connector  Database Info in workspace menu.

3 Step 2 Create Stored Procedure activity specifying stored procedure name to be executed along with "in", "out" and "inout" parameter(s). You can create this activity by navigating to Design > Services > Miscellaneous > Stored Procedure in workspace menu.

4 Step 3 Create a Custom Plugin activity using pre-defined java code that we will provide in a file named “customPlugin calling stored procedure.txt”. You need to place a custom class “ExecuteStoredProcedure.class” which will be provided by us in “ServerKernel/customClasses/” folder. You need to modify the content of above java code by updating the id of “Database Info” and “Stored Procedure” activity created in last two steps. In this custom plugin activity, you can dynamically pass the input parameter(s) value(s) to the calling stored procedure.

5 Step 4 Use Custom Plugin activity in any Process Flow and you are ready to go. All the output parameter(s) value(s) returned from stored procedure are set in current transaction context. You can easily retrieve these value(s) in your process flow and use it anyway you want. Any result set returned from stored procedure is directed to an output stream in XML format which can be further processed in the process flow.

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