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Manuals for exporting goods to Europe

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1 Manuals for exporting goods to Europe
Exporting goods to Europe means, the distributor , the one who issues the goods into the EC, must have a manual in the language of the country he is distributing the goods. That is a rule for all european countries. Until now Futaba lets translate the manuals from the english version supplied from Futaba, into the language of the certain country. This makes sure that the manuals will be in the certain motherslanguage and everybody understands it. The (perhaps) negative point with this solution: The copyright for the manuals stays at the distributor. If Futaba wants to change the distributor, it must buy the manuals copyright back from the old distributor, or the manuals must be made completely new. That means Futaba gets dependant at this point from a distributor. Solution: Futaba let translate the manuals from the distributor, but by contract he can give the copy right also to Futaba. There are surely certain possibilities to solve that. The question, if a manual must be printed in every language is up to today not really clearly answered. Most of the companies are printing the manuals for the main languages like german, french, englisch. For other languages they add a storage device like Micro SD card aso. In addition a manual can be downloaded from the website.

2 Approvals for exporting electronic devices to Europe
This works until now with Futaba quit good. Futaba let test the goods and supplies the test report to the distributor. The distributor writes the CE certificate and supplies it with the goods or shows it on the website. A test report for every device is a must. In case of devices with RF technologies it can get very expensive, as every different device must be tested, approved and certified. The RF test is the most expensive test. If we use a kit system for RF parts, like suggested with the FTR system and NDA policy, we can save money. If every Tx and every receiver is using the same RF PCB and this is already tested, we don`t need a RF test report for every device with these RF moduls. We only need a test concerning normal CE approvals for devices without RF. This can save a lot of cost

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