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Physics: the basic subfields

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1 Physics: the basic subfields
The fundamental physical laws Classical mechanics (PHY 110, 220, 320, ) Electromagnetism (PHY 111,112, 240, 340, 330) Thermodynamics (PHY 111, 325) Quantum physics (PHY 112, 284, 384, 355, 287) (including atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, fundamental particles) Statistical mechanics (PHY 111, 325, ) General Relativity (PHY 207, 287: Indep. study!)

2 Physics: What’s that field?
Determine the motion of spacecraft in the solar system for NASA missions mechanics, general relativity Determine the motion of atoms in a solid as it is heated quantum physics, mechanics, statistical mechanics Explain how lightning is generated in a thunderstorm electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics

3 Physics: What’s that field? 2
Design a new high intensity blue laser quantum physics, electromagnetism Try to reduce the production of waste heat in a diesel engine thermodynamics, statistical mechanics Derive the chemical law of 'detailed balance' from the behavior of atoms and molecules statistical mechanics

4 Physics: What’s that field? 3
Measure the bending of light around the planet Jupiter due to its gravitational field general relativity, electromagnetism Figure out how a particle-antiparticle pair is created out of the vacuum in a particle accelerator quantum physics, statistical mechanics, E&M Determine how far into the future the weather can be predicted statistical mechanics, mechanics Understand the universe: all subfields

5 Methodologies of Physics
Experimental Physics Observe nature (e.g. astro, geophysics) ‘Prod’ Nature into revealing secrets (laboratory experiments) Theoretical Physics Build theoretical models of reality Solve models mathematically Computational Physics Build computational models of reality Solve models via computer simulation

6 Methodologies in ISU Physics Courses
Experimental Physics PHY 110, 111, 112 lab PHY 270, 370 (advanced lab), 375 PHY 311, 312 (PTE) Theoretical Physics PHY 217, 220, 240, 284 PHY 325, 320, 340, 384, 355 Computational Physics PHY 112 lab; projects in many courses PHY 318, 388, 390 (CompPhys) PHY 302 (PTE)

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