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Introduction to Microbiology

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1 Introduction to Microbiology
1.2 Microbes and the World

2 4.6 b.y.a. Formation of the Earth 3.5 b.y.a. First forms of Life
Evolution of life 4.6 b.y.a. Formation of the Earth 3.5 b.y.a. First forms of Life Archaea & Bacteria Endosymbiotic Theory-Margulis Fusion of Prokaryotes to make Eukaryotes

3 Classification (taxonomy)
Morphology Evolutionary Relationships DNA analysis, cladogram Domains: Eubacteria Archaea Eukaryota

4 Biodiversity Able to live in almost any environment Reproduce and Evolve rapidly

5 Types of Microorganisms
Six Major Types of Microbes: Bacteria Archaea Fungi Protozoa Algae Viruses

6 Bacteria Characteristics: Unicellular/Colonies Prokaryotic
Peptidoglycan cell wall Binary Fission Flagella

7 Bacteria Four Major Shapes: Bacillus (rod) Coccus (spherical)
Spirilla (spiral) Vibrio (curved)

8 Bacteria Cell Wall Structure Response to Oxygen Gram-positive
Gram-negative Response to Oxygen Aerobic Anaerobic Facultative Anaerobic

9 Bacteria Energy Use Heterotrophs Autotrophs

10 Archaea Prokaryotic Lack peptidoglycans Extreme Environments
Methanogens Halophiles Thermophiles Psychrophiles

11 Fungi Molds, Yeasts Eukaryotic Cell Wall-chitin Hyphae Spores

12 Fungi Food Production Heterotrophic Decomposers Symbionts Parasites

13 Protozoa (Plankton) Largest Group Mostly Aquatic Eukaryotic Autotrophs
Phytoplankton Heterotrophic Zooplankton

14 Protozoa (Plankton) Cell Wall-Cellulose Movement Flagellates Ciliates

15 Algae (cyanobacteria)
Eukaryotic Blue-Green Algae Photosynthesis

16 Cannot reproduce or metabolize without host
Viruses Noncellular Protein Coat DNA or RNA Cannot reproduce or metabolize without host Many pathogenic

17 Multicellular Animal parasites
Part of life cycle is microscopic Helminths Flatworms Roundworms

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