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Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)

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Presentation on theme: "Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
If we have a distribution table as: X 2 3 7 p(x) 0.5 0.3 0.4 Whose can find P(X=3)

2 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
If we have a distribution table as: X 2 4 6 P(x) -1 1.5 0.3 0.2 Is it a probability distribution?

3 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
We can represent the discrete probability distribution by 1. Tables, from these tables we can calculate mean – variance – and standard deviation. 2. Histograms

4 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Example 1 Over last 20 days the number of operating rooms used at a hospital are: On 3 days only 1 room were used, on 5 days 2 rooms were used, on 8 days 3 rooms were used, on 4 days all 4 rooms were used. Create a probability distribution table and a histogram

5 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Discrete probability distribution table X frequency P(x) 0.00 1 3 0.15 2 5 0.25 8 0.40 4 0.20  sum 20 Where X is a # of operating rooms used in 1 day

6 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)

7 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Mean, variance, standard deviation and expectation of discrete probability distribution 1) Mean The mean of a random variable with a discrete probability distribution is:

8 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Variance and standard deviation Variance of a probability distribution can be calculated by the formula Standard deviation can be calculated as:

9 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
From the previous table compute mean – variance-standard deviation X frequency px X.px X^2.px 1 3 0.15 2 5 0.25 0.5 8 0.4 1.2 3.6 4 0.2 0.8 3.2  Sum 20 2.65 7.95

10 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Mean = Variance Standard deviation

11 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
The expected value of a discrete random variable of a probability distribution is the theoretical average of the variable The formula is

12 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Example3 A box contain 5 balls, two are numbered 3 , one is numbered 4 and two are numbered 5. The balls are mixed and one is selected at random, after a ball is selected, its number is recorded, and then it is replaced. 1. Construct a probability distribution table. 2. Compute mean, variance, expectation and standard deviation

13 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
A discrete probability distribution table X 3 4 5 p(x) 2/5 1/5

14 Random Variables and Probability Distribution (2)
Expectation =

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