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The digestive system By Richard Marin.

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Presentation on theme: "The digestive system By Richard Marin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The digestive system By Richard Marin

2 Mouth The mouth has a Tonsil and incisors.

3 Stomach Your stomach is part of your angus and Recium and Aspendix.

4 Esophagus The Esophagus is part of your Stomach.

5 Liver Did you know the liver has a right lobe and a gallbadder.

6 Gall bladder The Gall bladder is part of your liver.

7 Pancreas The Liver is part of your pancreas.

8 Duodenum The duodenum is part of your lamina.

9 bile duct The bile duct is part of your body.

10 Small intestine Your small intestine is part of your ciom.

11 Large intestine Your Large intestine is part of your Right colic.

12 Appendix The Appendix is part of your cecum.

13 Enzumes The Enzume es part of your Active Site and your Substrate.

14 Mucus This is a picture of your mucus plug.We all have a mucus plug so do you.

15 Chemical Digestion The Chemical Digestion is part of your mouth.

16 Mechanical Digestion The Mechanical Digestion is part of your mouth.

17 Salivary Amylase The Salivary Amylase is part of your brain.

18 Absorption The Absorption is part of your Evaporator.

19 Villi The Villi is part of your body.

20 Gastric juices The Gastric juices is part of your Esophagus and your endoscope and your duodenum and your stomach.

21 Chyme The Chyme is part of your stomach.

22 Bibliography

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