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Greek & Latin Word Parts

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1 Greek & Latin Word Parts
Vocab Week 6

2 Endo (Greek) within SAT Focus Word: endocrine (adj.) endodontics
secreting internally into the blood or lymph Context: The endocrine system plays a major role in the regulation of metabolism, reproduction, water balance. endodontics branch of dentistry that deals with the insides of teeth (nerves) endoscope instrument that allows doctors to visually examine interior organs with a camera Other words: endoscopy

3 To cause, to make, To do Fac, Fic, Fec (Latin)
SAT Focus Word: deficient (adj.) lacking some element or characteristic Context: We could tell the mango plant was deficient in potassium because its leaves were brown. infect to cause to be contaminated with germs facilitate to make easier; assist Other words: defect, faculty, fiction Picture 1: potassium deficient mango Picture 2: parasite infection Picture 3: tool that facilitates peeling an orange

4 Man (Latin) hand SAT Focus Word: emancipate (v.) manuscript mandatory
to free from bondage Context: Lincoln finally emancipated slaves on January 1, 1863. manuscript the original text of an author's work, handwritten or now usually typed mandatory authoritatively ordered (not optional) Other words: manual, manicure

5 Scope (Greek) See, view, look SAT Focus Word: colonoscopy (n.)
visual inspection of the interior of the colon Context: Having a yearly colonoscopy makes it much likelier that cancer will be detected in its early stages. microscope an optical instrument for viewing objects too small to be seen with the naked eye kaleidoscope an optical instrument displaying changing patterns of colors and shapes Other words: telescope, scope, periscope

6 Tang, Ting, Tact (Latin) Touch SAT Focus Word: contingent (adj.)
depending / conditional Context: Our plans are contingent on the weather. intact not broken; untouched intangible unable to be perceived by the sense of touch Other words: contact, tact, tactile, tangent Picture 2: Partially intact outer wall of the Colosseum in Rome

7 Mal-, Male- (Latin) bad, EVil malformed malicious malaise malnourished
Prefix of the Week: Mal-, Male- (Latin) bad, EVil malformed malicious malaise malnourished Maleficent (capitalized only if it’s the Disney villain—can be used in everyday language) maladjusted malignant

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