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The endocrine system.

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Presentation on theme: "The endocrine system."— Presentation transcript:

1 The endocrine system

2 Major structures Adrenal glands-----adren/o Gonads ----gonad/o Pancreatic islets---- pancreat/o Paratheroid glands ----paratheroid/o Pineal gland pinal/o Pituitary gland ---- pituit/o, pituitary/o. Thymus ---- thym/o Thyroid---- thyr/o, thyroid/o

3 The functions of the endocrine system
Regulate the Electrolytes level, influence metabolism, and respond to stress .(Adrenal gland) Regulate the development and the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics .( Gonad gland) Control blood sugar levels and glucose metabolism. (Pancreatic gland) Regulate calcium level through the body. (Parathyroid gland) Influence the sleep- wakefulness cycle. (Pineal gland)

4 6. Control the activity of the other endocrine glands
6. Control the activity of the other endocrine glands. (pituitary gland) 7. Plays a major role in the immune reaction ( Thymus gland) 8. Stimulate metabolism, growth and activity of the nervous system. (Thyroid gland)

5 The structures of the endocrine system
One pituitary gland (two lobs). One thyroid gland Four parathyroid glands Two adrenal gland One pancreas One pineal gland Two gonads (ovaries in females, testes in males)

6 Medical specialties related to the endocrine system
An endocrinologist: Specializes in diagnosis and treating disease and malfunctions of the endocrine system glands Diagnosis procedures related to the endocrine system Urine and blood testing: are used to measure endocrine hormone level.

7 Medical terminology related to endocrine system
Meaning Hyperpituitarism Excessive secretion by the anterior lob of pituitary gland Hypopituitarism Reduce secretion by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland Hyperthyroid Excessive thyroid hormone in the blood goiter Abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland hypothyroidism Deficiency of thyroid secretion Parathyroid gland Insufficient or absence secretion of parathyroid gland hypocalcaemia Abnormall low level of calcium in the blood hyperparathyroidism Over production of the parathyroid gland Hypercalcemia Abnormal high concentration of calcium in the blood

8 parathyroidectomy Surgical removal of one or more of the parathyroid glands adrenalitis Inflammation of the adrenal gland Diabetic ketoacidosis (D.K.A) Sever insulin deficiency thymitis Inflammation of the thymus gland Thymectomy Surgical removal of the thymus gland pinealopathy Disorder of the pineal gland pinealectomy Surgical removal of the pineal body Hypergonadism Excessive secretion of hormones by the sex glands Hypogonadism Deficient secretion of hormonal by the sex glands

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